● 12 ●

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"Where is your shirt?" Mar says jumping onto my bed as I walk out of my bathroom wearing pajamas.

"Oh it's dirty and I don't feel like going up in my closet to get another so move over." I grab my phone and put in on the charger.

"Why is there a blanket at the bottom of ur bed?" Mar asks as I get into bed.

"What?" I get under the covers.

"That?" He points at the throw blanket

"Oh i don't know it's what the maids do. It's like a throw blanket." I turn on my tv.

"You have maids?!" He gets exited and went under the covers.

"Yeah it's annoying but it's also nice." I put on The Office.

"Bruh why the office?" He wines.

"Cuz I want it on." I smile.

"Alessyaaaaa plllsssssss can I choose ittttttt." He whines and I hand him the remote.

"Dragon ball Z rly?" I roll my eyes and he smirks.

A few hours later Mar was passed out and I was scrolling on Tiktok. I hear my door open (it was pitch black) and I turn off my phone so it was quiet. I hear them walk over to my desk on Mar's side and get on my chair. They put on flash and look at the shelf thing it was Dan. I grabbed my vape and kept it in my hand. I get out my phone and record him going thru my room. He then turned and put the flash in me and Mar on my bed. I was still recording and I think he saw me.

"Why are you up." He moves his phone so the flash ain't in my face as much.

"I haven't fallen asleep yet but more importantly why are you in my room?" I ask as I was sitting up a little and Mar laying on my stomach.

"I-" he starts to say then stops.

"Stay fucking out of my room i don't care if you bought the house it's called privacy Dan, and ima tell mom that you were snooping around my ro-" I say when mom walks out of my closet with a box.

"Oh hi" she get nervous.

"Guys what the hell get out ima get a different lock it's called privacy and you shouldn't be going through my shit what if I got stuff that you wouldn't want to see?" I get pissed but stay kind of quiet so i don't wake Mar.

"I'm sorry." Mom says but I roll my eyes.

"Have you gone through my phone?" I ask.

"No we don't know your password." Dan looks down.

"Bro what i hope you know I'm recording you right now so I can post this all over and ruin your reputation." I say pissed off at the whole situation.

"No wait!" Dan says.

"I'm not but if I see you in my room ever again ima post it. Oh and i'm gonna get a new lock." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry baby." Mom says and I point at the door.

"Leave the box and anything else you grabbed. you can't sneak things i know everything I have in my room." I say and Dan takes out a few puff bars and sets them in my hang chair good thing they didn't find my box of all that shit. They shut the door and leave.

I wake up in the morning to Mar laying on me and my vape gone off my table. "Mar!"

"Huh?" He looks up at me half asleep.

"Do you got my vape?" I ask him.

"No why?" He gets comfy again.

"I can't find it." I say looking around and my door was not fully closed. "Fuck and my mom and Dan took it. ima kill them."

why am i here againKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat