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I take a few puffs from my vape before the bell rings then leave the bathroom. I go to the first class on my schedule being lost in the process. When I eventually walk in it was dead silent. The room was full of guys with ties and girls that where in the ugly vests they give out and short skirts. The teacher looked like she was 100 years old, fuck this class gonna suck.

"You're late." The teacher looks up at me as so everyone else.

"Yeah." I look around trying to find a empty seat.

"Are you Alessya Farrugia?" The teacher asks.

"Mhm." I smile innocently and stand there as the whole room judges me.

"Go sit anywhere there is space." she looks at my shirt disappointedly seeing how low the shirt was and that i wasn't wearing that vest thing.

"Damn she fine." I hear someone whisper as I walk past them.

"She new?" Another.

"dibs." Another one says.

"Oh hey." A guy from the table says and I pull out the chair and ignore him. "Alessya your name?"

"mhm?" I lean back in the chair getting comfy and pull out my phone.

"I'm Mattia we met earlier in the hall." He says looking up at the teacher now looking at me probably because of my phone being out.

"Oh you the one I was talking to or the ones fighting?" I don't look away from my phone.

"Fightin you were talking to Alejandro." He leans back in the chair then takes my phone and points at the teacher pointing at me.

"Boy if you don't-" I snatch my phone back out of his hands giving him a dirty look.

"The teacher will take it." He scoffs at me.

"I hope she does." I roll my eyes as she sat back down and was typing on the computer.

"You don't give any fucks huh?" He looks me up and down.

"How bout you keep your eyes to that girl of yours." I notice him looking at me.

"What girl?" He looks around.

"That one." I point at the teacher with a smile, if my friends were here they be in the floor dying.

"She is like 100 years old though." He laughs. I just wink then look around seeing I was in the back corner I had privacy so I took out my vape, "She gonna see that." He rolls his eyes so I take a puff and stuff it in my bra.

I blow it out super slowly so it's not that noticeable. "I'm an addict this isn't my first time. I am trying to quit though cause it's a little embarrassing."

"Miss Farrguia and Mr Poblio no talking." She stands up and walks over to us.

"Tiktok why are you talking." Some random dude says and I laugh and look at Mattia.

"You're letting him say that?" I laugh and look back over at the guy.

"He's just a dick that found my Tiktok." Mattia rolls his eyes and the teacher hands everyone a paper.

"Yo Tiktok gonna let us in your next video?" The guy says.

"Okay it was funny at first but now just shut the actual fuck up." I roll my eyes and he goes red.

"Oh so tiktok needs a little girl to fight for him? huh?" The guy next to the unfunny one looks over at us and I get up so fast and loud that I practically launch the chair into the wall.

"The fuck you just say?" The whole room goes silent.

"Awe tiktoks little body guard is getting mad, what are you gonna do? Slap me? Fucking whore." he smirks as he watches my face drop.

"I'm about to smash your face in you need to be careful with the next words you choose." I lean over the table giving him my crazy eyes as Mattia jumps up stepping in front of me.

"Ms Farrguia go to the office please." The teacher looks shocked at me.

"Gladly." I shoulder the dude as I walk out.

I go to my locker and take my bag out. I take a puff from my vape after looking around and making sure the cost was clear then shutting my locker and heading to the office.

"Hi I'm Alessya got sent here." I walk into the office.

"Hi sweetie what are you here for?" The lady at the front asks.

"I got into an argument with a dude that called me a whore and was being sexist." I cross my arms and the lady smiles.

"Good for you here is a pice of paper you just have to give it to the teacher to show that you made it to the office." The lady smiles at me, she seems sweet.

"So I walked all of the way over here to get a piece of paper?" I ask confused.

"No you would have to go to the principal and get a paper and a talk but the he is very busy and I don't want to bother either of you." She smiles and I smile back.

"Okay thank you ma'am ." I smile brightly She gives me the warmest smile and I walk out.

I then go back to the class and open the door. "Ready to get your ass beat little boy?!" i smirk as i walk in.

"Retry!" The teacher yells at me so I go back and walk in again giving the dude a dirty look. "thank you now hand me your paper:"

"No need to freak out." I mumble and hand her the paper.

"Back so soon?" Mattia says loudly and laughs.

"Yes of course I knew you would miss me." I flick my hair back and the guys give me a judge look.

"How did HE get HER?" A guy says and I laugh.

"Him? Get ME?" I scoff and walk to my spot.

"Well yeah." A other guy that seems to be his friend says.

"Well ima say this he never got ME I'm not interested." I roll my eyes and sit down.

"Oh fuck then I have a chance." I hear guys say. I get uncomfortable because I know they only want to fuck me then leave but I quickly cover it up and cross my arms over my chest and look for what I had to do for this class.

"Okay class get back to what you were doing!" The teacher was annoyed of me now.

"How was your office experience?" Mattia whispers over to me.

"I got out of a talking from the principal and getting a sheet of paper." I lay my head on my hand.

"Fun." He looks down at my chest.

why am i here againOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora