Chapter 28

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We pulled up to school and into the parking lot, sliding into a spot between a Mercedes and a car that looked plain, but turned out to be a Cadillac. Great. I could already tell I didn't fit in here.

But I guessed the boys did, because when we got out of the car, people came fluttering around us. Brooks and Damon were surrounded, but Caleb began walking onto campus, so I followed him eagerly.

"Can you show me the way to the office?" I asked nervously. I'd entered from the opposite side of the school last time I came here with Charlotte.

" 'Course." He said, easily.

We stayed on the path we were heading, winding past the white buildings, a red brick gym, and over the concrete. The sun was rising in the sky by now and you could feel the heat already, despite the coolness of the morning air.

We passed some people that Caleb waved to and a lot of nervous looking strangers. I was starting to feel more confident about this school thing.

By the time we got to the office, I led the way and walked straight over to the desk. Caleb gave me a wave goodbye and I stood at the counter confidently, until a minute of waiting had passed, and nobody even glanced at me. I cleared my throat and a woman clicking away furiously at her oversized computer keyboard glared at me. I walked a little further and leaned over towards the other lady at her computer.

"Umm, ma'am?" I croaked out, trying to be polite. She pulled her gaze away from the computer screen and towards me, and then shook her head as if to clear it.

"My goodness! I'm so sorry dear, I didn't even see you there!" she said, standing and bustling over to me.

"That's okay!" I said, relieved. "Um, I just came here to see if I could get my class schedule. I signed up... later in the year, I think."

"Not a problem, sweetheart! What was your name again?" she asked kindly, though I hadn't mentioned my name before.

"Maya... Maya Anders." I said, trying not to sound too much like James Bond. I wondered if she was like Dominic and could tell I was lying. I scratched my neck and pulled at my choker. Had it always been this tight?

If she could tell I was lying, she gave no indication as she hurried back to her desk and entered my information.

She smiled when she found it and clicked some things before rushing back over and grabbing my wrist. I almost flipped out at the sudden move but forced myself to remain calm. If she was really a threat in any way, it would be like taking down a Golden Girl.

She pulled me over to a chair in front of her desk and move a lock of hair from my face.

"Smile for your ID, dear!" she said as she rushed back to her seat. Were things always so hurried around here?

I tilted my head and smiled as the camera flashed.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed, as a printer made a loud whirring sound to my left.

The bell rang suddenly, and she huffed angrily.

"I thought I could make it, but you might be a little late to your first class, Maya. We just have a couple things left to do!" she said.

The hurrying made sense now, as the kids in the office streamed out. Every time the door swung open, I could hear the students rushing around outside and finishing their conversations quickly. The bell clanged loudly again.

The woman made her way to the printer and then back over to me, handing me a couple of things at once.

I looked down at my hands to see a school map, a copy of my schedule, a list of textbooks I would need, and my ID.

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