Chapter 27

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I felt someone shake my shoulder gently, but I whispered a "no" and pushed them away. The shaking continued, so I grabbed the hand and forced it away.

"I don't wanna go on a run Brooks. Never again." I mumbled.

"Can't handle it?" Damon said with a laugh.

I sat up in surprise and pushed the twists of dark brown tangled hair behind my ears.

"I can handle it." I pouted.

He smiled at that and the corner of his eyes wrinkled. "You're kind of adorable in the morning, kid." He stretched a hand out and tousled my hair but I grabbed it and forced it away.

"What do you want Damon?" I asked, nose in the air.

"You gotta get ready for school! Breakfast is downstairs and I think Mom has a gift for you, too." He added with a wink. I perked up at that and then dropped the smile, pretending to be indifferent.

"I will be out shortly." I announced, jumping up and pushing him towards the door.

"If you fall back asleep..." he warned as I forced him past the doorframe.

"I won't! Now get out of here! A girl's gotta get READY!" I said, shutting the door in his face.

"You have 30 minutes!" he announced as I ran to my drawers. What do you wear to high school when you actually want to make friends and meet people? Should I be dressy, or should I look casual as if I don't care? Should I do my hair, or makeup? What would the people be like in this town?

I eventually decided on a black tank top and ripped jean shorts, with a red and purple flannel on top. When Valerie and I had gone shopping, she had pointed out this flannel from Hollister that felt like a cloud, so I assumed she would approve. I put on foundation and blush, added highlighter and did my eyebrows, and swept a little mascara on before throwing on a long black choker for good measure. That was cute, right?

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs, nervously. My stomach was in knots, and I almost laughed at myself. Nervous about high school? What had living in this house turned me into?

When I walked into the kitchen, I was greeted by an upbeat Charlotte. Pancakes and waffles were loaded up on plates, and syrup, butter, powdered sugar, and fruit sat on the island in the center of the room.

"Wow! Looks amazing Charlotte! Thank you!" I said, grabbing a plate and hoping the syrup would drown the butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you for saying thank you!" she said brightly, with a look at the guys.

"Thank you!" Damon said, shooting me a glare. "Yeah!" "Thanks mom!" Caleb and Brooks added.

"Normally you guys will have to fend for yourself for breakfast, but one of my appointments was canceled today so I thought I would make the most of it!" she said as she tossed dirty dishes in the sink and ran some warm water over them.

"Really appreciate it." I said in a soft voice, smiling at her. I didn't want the boys to think I was a goody two shoes or anything, but they didn't know how good they had it here.

When we were all seated and eating, Charlotte walked over to me and smiled, sliding a small box in my direction. It had purple wrapping and a thin white ribbon on top, and I already knew it was going to be the best present I'd ever been given.

"What's this for?" I asked with a shy smile.

"Well... it's your first day of school and- oh, just open it and you'll see!" she exclaimed.

I slid off the ribbon gently and ripped the paper, then pulled the lid off the box. My mouth dropped and I squealed with excitement.

"You got me an iPhone??" I asked, as Caleb and Damon protested. Apparently, it was a newer model than theirs.

"Yep! Your very own! It's the latest model and I think it should work and make adjusting to school a little easier! I put all of our numbers in so you can contact us if you need anything, and text your new friends and all!" she said excitedly. That might be a little optimistic, but at least I could call one of the guys if I got lost.

"Thank you so much!" I said, jumping over to her and pulling her in for a hug, surprising us both. She squeezed back tightly and said "I just hope you have the best day today. I have so much faith in you."

Brooks plate clattered in the sink loudly as he finished washing it, and he said, "Sorry to interrupt the fun, but we're gonna be late."

Damon, Caleb, and I jumped up to rinse off our plates as well and we began heading to the garage.

"If you get any calls from weird numbers, don't answer! And if there are weird strangers, avoid them or tell me immediately! I can pick you up at any time if Damon can't and tell me if you need anything!" Charlotte called out behind us.

Dominic, who had just woken up and was heading downstairs, grabbed her shoulders and said "Mom. Control yourself. Maya has got this."

I shot him a grateful smile as he redirected her to the kitchen, and he gave me a wink over his shoulder. "Run" he mouthed.

I hurried out the front door and leapt in the backseat, as Damon put the stick shift into first gear.

He threw on some shades and turned some music on.

"Let's roll." He said as we started moving.

"Why are we taking Dominic's car?" I asked the boys as the Camaro began to move.

"Dominic's car?" Damon spluttered. "This is my car!"

"Oh..." I thought about that. "But didn't he drive us to the mall in here before?"

He huffed and replied as we moved down the street. "Well, he doesn't have a car, so if we're all going out, he gets to drive this one."

I nodded in understanding.

"Brooks, do you have a car too?" I asked curiously.

"Nope." He pouted. "Mom gives us each a certain amount of money when we reach senior year. It's enough to buy a decent-priced car, or take a trip, or do whatever we want with it. Mine went straight to the college fund. But I do use Dad's old jeep sometimes!"

"Good for you!" I said, impressed. If I came into any sum of money, it would go straight to the going-out-to-eat fund.

"Yep. The ladies are so impressed with his financial skill." Damon said. Caleb stifled a laugh.

"Let's see how many dates you get as a fry-cook Damon." Brooks shot back. Caleb and I snickered at that, and the car got silent as we kept driving.

I fiddled with my new phone on the way, and the nerves left my body.

I tried to focus on my breathing and calm it down. It was just high school, after all. What's the worst that could happen? 

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