Chapter 24

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I decided to take a run with Brooks in the morning. The weather was supposed to be nice and my body needed a little exercise, if truth be told. Time with the Anders had softened out my edges and made my protruding bones less prominent. I think even my cheeks were chubbing out more.

It wasn't that my uncle had forbidden me from eating, but my image about my body was brought into the spotlight every time he stepped into the room. He'd comment if I chose carbs for breakfast, make nudges about how the older I got, the more the dark circles under my eyes would show. My hips and breasts didn't seem to be part of his plans because as they were formed, the humiliation only worsened. I could only imagine why he wanted me to stay a child forever.

He hated my new body. And in turn, so did I.

It was about time I changed that. I didn't need to be a stick figure or have muscles and perfect abs, but maybe by being healthy I'd be happy in my own skin and know that I was taking care of myself as much as possible. 

I was waiting with my shoes tied and shorts on by the door when the clock turned to 7:30. The exercise shirt I was wearing I had borrowed from Charlotte, and it hung far too low down my body. I knotted up a ball in the back and tied it with a hair tie to keep it taut, pulling my hair up as well.

Brooklyn walked into the room and over to the door, as I jumped up to greet him.

"Hey Brooks!" I shouted, eagerly. He clearly had no idea I was hiding there.

He grabbed his heart and keeled over, leaning down on his knees as his heart slowed down. It was interesting to me that he did not scream. I just watched his eyes widen in fear and then roll in irritation.

I laughed happily as he grabbed me and rustled my hair all out of place.

"You bitc- big monster." He corrected, as I pulled away and smirked at him.

"Oops." I teased.

He took in my gear and hopeful expression and gave me a genuine smile. He pushed his hair back off his face and said, "You coming on a run?"

I nodded excessively. "If that's okay?"

"Of course." He said effusively as he opened the door for me, and we stepped into the morning air together.

"As long as you can keep up with me." He said the words playfully, but as his feet fell into a steady, quick rhythm I began to worry. I kept pace and tried to keep my breathing regular as we loped around the neighborhoods trails. We caught sight of scurrying squirrels and quail soaring above us, as the sun rose over the sleepy houses. I breathed in the cold air like water in the desert, relishing in the way it reminded me how well my body was doing. We made it all of two miles before I requested a break.

Brooks smirked and threw me the water bottle he was holding. I gulped it down enthusiastically, letting the occasional drop fall out of the sides of my mouth. When I passed it back to him, my shirt was darker in many places and I still couldn't feel my feet. Maybe I wasn't a running person.

"Is my face red?" I asked, using the hem of my shirt to wipe off excess sweat.

He looked at me, and smiled, before taking a sip of the water bottle.

When he finished, he took in an exaggerated breath and said, "Yes. Yes, it is."

I glared in silence as he smiled back endearingly.

"Don't worry." He said. "We have one mile left and then we're home!"

I could've fainted in relief or joy or from heat exhaustion, but instead I continued on and didn't stop until we reached the gate, and then the familiar wooden doors.

The Victim (Book #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ