"How about I just take you to her house", he asked.

"I don't like just anybody knowing where she lives", she said mocking him.

"I see why that dude was after you. That goddamn mouth", he said.

"He was after me because I made him the most money", she said.

"What?", he asked.

Aaliyah shook her head and looked out the window. "Never mind. I don't even know why I said that"

Dre looked ahead as he drove. He didn't know exactly what she was talking about but he kinda had an idea.

"When can I just start my magic with Keem and get this over with?", Aaliyah said.

"You can't do nothing with that bruise on your head", he said.

Aaliyah put down the sun visor and looked into the mirror. "I've had worst", she said. "Nothing some makeup can't fix"

Dre shook his head.

Aaliyah put the sun visor up and folded her arms. "Do you know where you going?", she asked.

"Just waiting for you to direct me", he said.

You know the neighborhood over there by that new burger place? The one where you had your boy put a gun to my head?", she asked.

Dre chuckled. "yea"

"Take me there and drop me off in front of the neighborhood. I'll walk the rest of the way", she said. "And it's not funny"

"What? You think imma rob or kill her?", he asked.

"...I just don't want her in the middle of the things I get myself into", she said. "Her life is going good and I don't wanna mess that up"

Dre nods.

10 minutes later they arrived at the front of the neighborhood.

"Thanks again for last night", she said.

Dre nods. "Mhm", he said.

Aaliyah got out of the car and started walking.

Dre pulled out of the neighborhood.


Keyanna opened the door for Aaliyah after she heard her knocking and let her in.

"Girl what happened to your face", Keyanna asked.

"Long story", Aaliyah said. "I kinda need you to take me to the store so I can get a new phone"

"Where are your shoes?", she asked.

"Keyanna are you ignoring what I'm saying?", Aaliyah asked.

Keyanna folded her arms. "Aaliyah what have you been up to? You need to tell me now"

"Chris kinda found me", Aaliyah said nervously.

Keyanna's eyes grew wide as she sat down and sat Aaliyah down with her. "Are you okay? Where is he?", she asked.

"Hopefully in hell", Aaliyah said.

"... you killed him?", Keyanna whispered so DaQuan couldn't hear.

"I didn't", she said

"So who did", she asked.

"... Dre", Aaliyah replied softly.

"Dre? Kingpin Dre?", she asked. "What the fuck is it with you and these dangerous ass niggas?"

"In my defense ., or his... I wouldn't be here right now if he hadn't shown up", Aaliyah said.

"Well thank god for that", Keyanna said. "But he doesn't have anything to do with the secret you've been keeping right?"

"..no", Aaliyah said.

Keyanna stared at her to see if she was lying. And she knew she was. "I know I can't make you do anything but... like I told you before be safe"

Aaliyah nods. "Honestly .. lately I've felt the safest with him, well last night especially... and we have things in common so it's like I can- ", Aaliyah stopped herself. "Do you have some shoes I can wear?", she asked changing the subject.

"...yes", Keyanna said as she got up. "Why do I have to take you to get a phone from the store? What's wrong with your car?"

"We can talk about that on the car ride there", Aaliyah said.

Keyanna chuckles. "I don't even have to watch tv anymore. You're my entertainment", Keyanna said.

Aaliyah chuckles.

Keyanna walks upstairs to get some shoes.

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