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A/N: last chapter :(


"Hey, Principe." Carmen spoke into her phone.

Devitt was in his bed speaking to Carmen on video chat.

"Hey, Rún."

"What did you call me?"

"Rún. It means secret, mystery, purpose, love."

"Awe, you're sweet." She tries to smiles. "I'm really sorry about yelling at you, I just say stupid shit when I'm angry."

"Don't apologize, I'm the same way."

"I like you, a lot. I never knew how to tell you, I think I realized it too late."

"I like ya too, I think I have for a long time, I have no idea why you never told you before."

"You told me now and that's all that matters."


Carmen gets dressed for her day. Her phone starts ringing and she picks it up. She sees it's Kenny and answers it.

"Hey Kenny."

"Hey, how are you? You sound happier."


"Is that good news for AEW? Our Revolution show is coming up in a few weeks."

"I'm probably staying in WWE a bit longer."

"Hmm, well as your friend Im glad things worked out for you."

"Thank you."

"Good to see you and demon prince get together."

"Thank you."

"I wish I could talk more but we're about to film Being The Elite."

"Ok have fun. Bye."



It was time again for the Royal Rumble, Carmen had put on her new ring gear and she was enjoying her new goddess box braids. She had her makeup done and she stood in the guerilla position waiting for the time to come, this year she drew the second spot so she would be starting the women's Royal Rumble with someone else. It would be hard but she would be confident she will last until the very end.

She feels arms around her waist.

"Huh?" Her first instinct was to panic, she tries to pull away.

"Calm down, it's me." She heard a familiar voice.

"Sorry." Carmen turns around to see friendly eyes. "What are you doing here, I didn't know you were a part of the Rumble?"

Devitt just gives her a shrug.

"I wanted to see you, we haven't seen each other in a while and I thought why not wish my girlfriend luck?"

"Thank you." Carmen tells him before giving him a tender long kiss.

She heard one of the production guys warn everyone the women's Royal Rumble was next. She pulls away from him slightly and smiles.

"I need to go but there will be more of that later."

"I will be waiting." He hugs her tight. "Do your best."

Carmen walks out to the ramp and sees her family in front, she gives them a smile and wave. She gets in the ring and tries not to get nervous as this was the first time she would be wrestling in front of her mother. The bell rings and she focuses on Alexa Bliss.

Later into the event, Charlotte had eliminated Shayna Baszler and Carmen Alvarez. Though she was eliminated, she lasted a whole hour and some change which isnt meaningless. She also got to her hands on Shayna Baszler after all these years. Despite not winning, she wasn't feeling defeated.
She goes to the back to take a shower and change into street clothes.

She moves out the locker room and she sees her sister. Bella drags her to where their mother.

"What did she think?" Carmen asks Bella.

"I don't know she was praying the whole time."

"Hey, Mami. What did you think?" Carmen greets her mother with a hug.

"How are you standing?"

Carmen giggles.

"Carmelita, you looked so beautiful and everyone loved you, I'm so happy for you."

Carmen can feel her heart warm up like coffee on a cold morning.

"Thank you, Mami." She gives her mother a tighter hug.

She sees Devitt down the hall waving to her.

"How bout you guys go back to the hotel? Here take my card, don't go crazy." Carmen hands her credit card to her brother.

"You're not coming with us?"

"I need to handle some things first." Carmen hugs her brother and sister one more time before walking over to Devitt.

"I'm sorry ya didn't win." He carefully moves her braids from her face.

"It's ok, I'm glad I have you though."

"Oh really? Me too." He leans down a bit and gives her a small chaste kiss.

"I'm also glad I finally taught Baszler a lesson."

"Why? Are there problems between ya and Baszler?"

"Oh yeah, you weren't there for that. You missed a lot of Bullet Club shit, Devitt." Carmen grabs his hand so they could hold hands.

"Ya calling me Devitt now?"

"Of course, isn't that your name? You'll always be Devitt to me." Carmen moves her head up so she could give Devitt's lips a soft peck. "Now let's go get some ramen."

"Ya know a place 'ere that serves ramen?" Devitt asks as they begin walking to an exit.

"Yup, I also heard there's a good sushi restaurant around here too, and they serve sake. Spring rolls would be good right now too."

"Let's just go to Tokyo! Right now. Just me and you."

"I would actually do that if I didn't have Raw tomorrow." She giggles.


A/N: thank you to everyone who has read this and voted!

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