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"Seth, this hurts me to say but... I don't think we should continue with our relationship."

Carmen sat in her boyfriend's kitchen. Carmen had made the decision weeks ago to break up with Seth. Nothing was wrong, he was a fantastic man but they wanted different things. He was ready to settle down and she was still discovering things in her life.

"Is it because I got pizza sauce on your white shirt?"

Carmen chuckled a bit.

"No, Seth, I like you and I care about you but we both want different things. As much as I want to be your girlfriend, I know you want certain things that I'm not even sure I want. I want to figure out life more, see how things go."

Seth puts down his pizza then looks at the woman next to him.

"I like you too, a lot. I like being with you, a lot. I know I can't change your mind, if you have things to figure out, only you can really figure those things out."

"So you understand?"

"Yeah." Seth wraps his arm around Carmen, holding her close. "But you're still my girlfriend until you leave through that door."

Carmen laughed into his chest.

"Ok, deal."

Couple days later, Carmen comes back to Japan. She knocks on Prince Devitt's hotel door.

The Irish man invites her inside, offering her a drink. Knowing she would be thirsty after a long flight.

Carmen takes the water he offered.

"'Ow is everything in California?"

"Fine, nothing too exciting. Well actually, I broke up with Seth."

"Is there a reason why?"

"We both want different things." Carmen tries to explain in few words.

Carmen sips on her water then sits on one of the beds in the room.

"Can I stay here tonight? I don't feel like getting my own room."

"Sure." Devitt watched the woman lay down on the unused bed. "Let's go do something fun."

"Like what?"

"I have an idea."

The taxi they had purchased a ride from stopped in an area. Devitt pays the man for his service and looks for signs of colorful lights. Carmen follows him, holding on to his hand, not a clue as to what he is looking for. When Devitt finds what he is looking for, he opens the door and they walk into the dim quarters. As they walk further, their eyes were overwhelmed with the colorful bright lights of screens all around them.

"An arcade?"

"Yeah, what's more fun than an arcade?"

"I don't know, an orgy?"

"I mean, if you want an orgy, we might be able to--"

"No, I was joking." Carmen whines in a childish voice.

Devitt laughs at her reaction and drags her to a nearby game.

After a couples of games and a meal, Devitt and Carmen were in their hotel room.

"Thank you for that, I honestly had fun tonight." She smiles towards the man while she digs through her luggage.

"I did too."


Carmen had disappeared from New Japan for a while, doing work in Mexico. She comes back to Japan just before Wrestling Kingdom.

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