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Tonight was the night of Prince Devitt's career defining match; loser leaves New Japan.

Carmen and the Young Bucks accompanied Prince Devitt to the ring.

Carmen observes from the side along with the Young Bucks.

Carmen notes the Young Bucks scheming on the side.

Carmen cheers for Prince Devitt, giving him all the encouragement he needs along with giving him advice when his ex-Apollo partner gets the upper hand. She doesn't notice the Young Bucks interfering until Devitt reprimands them.

"Matt, Nick, Devitt already told us--"

"Carmen, maybe you should go back to the locker room if you can't handle it out here." Nick snapped at her.

Carmen rolls her eyes and continues to watch the match.

Things escalated quickly when Devitt warned the Bucks again to stay in their place. Carmen walks over to calm things down and keep Devitt in focus but what she saw caused her eyes to double in size. Matt and Nick assaults Prince Devitt.

She tries to get all three men in focus, only to be pushed into one of the ring posts by Matt.

The bell rings and everyone knew what this meant.

Devitt begins his slow walk to the backstage area.

Carmen follows him.

"I'm sorry." She whispers to him.

"Did ya know about that?"

"What? No, of course not. If I knew, I would have stopped them."

They walk to a secluded hallway, Devitt begins to become visually upset. He leans against a wall with a blank expression on his face as if he was staring into space.

"Do you want me to get your stuff?"

"I would like that, I don't want to go in there."

Carmen leaves him to go to the Bullet Club locker room.

She hears the other men conversing as if everything is normal, ignoring them, she gathers Devitt's items.

"I can't believe you guys did that!" Carmen yells at the Bucks.

Matt ignores her while Nick just shrugged as if they didn't see a thing wrong with what they had just done.

"Devitt is leaving because of what you guys did!"

"Don't get all emotional on us, we have a back up plan." Anderson intervenes.

"A back up plan?"

"Yes," Anderson pulls her aside, making sure he had her full attention. "Alvarez, Devitt is leaving, and theres nothing we can do about it. But Bullet Club will live on. Now, you have to tell me whether you're with Bullet Club or not, because a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. You can leave with him."

Her loyalty is being tested at this moment. She didn't want to be a Bullet Club target, you are either with the Club or against the Club. Devitt is leaving, she will be on her own, no one in her corner. Devitt will be fine but she will still be in New Japan without any allies, she didn't want to be on the receiving end of the Bullet Club's attacks.

"Anderson, don't ever ask me that question again. You know I'm BC for life." Carmen forces a smile.

"Good choice." Anderson pats her shoulder.

Carmen goes back to Devitt.

"Here." Carmen drops his bag and begins to leave.

"Hey," Devitt grabs her by her waist and pulls her close. Carmen felt so uncomfortable at the moment. His eyes were so sweet and yet something didn't feel right. "I'm sorry about earlier, I was angry. I got betrayed by my own so-called brothers. I just hoped ya didn't also do me 'arm. I care about ya, I always hoped ya felt the same."

Devitt's blue eyes looked into hers but she couldn't look at him.

"Ya want to go get some drinks?"

"Um, I don't know, I think Anderson said we have a Club meeting."

"What? Are ya fucking serious? You're still going to be with them? First and final thing, there is no Bullet Club without me."

"Devitt, you're leaving, what am I suppose to do? Be here by myself?"

"Yes, I was actually thinking that."

"Really? People aren't just going to forget about the Bullet Club just because you leave."

"It's not going to be Bullet Club without me, you're just going to be stuck with a bunch of wankers."

They stood in uncomfortable silence. The energy was intense even though they didn't say a word.

"So you're really going to go back to that locker room and sit with them?"

"I don't have a choice."

"Fucking lies! Carmen, you're fucking weak, nobody with a fucking ounce of integrity would ever say that."

"Well, think whatever you want Devitt, tomorrow you'll be a fucking memory." Her voice wavers on the last word. Carmen walks away, keeping him from seeing the tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She carefully wipes them away to not ruin her makeup.

Reaching the Bullet Club locker room, she readies herself. She didn't want to show the guys any emotion, she made sure to have a neutral expression but she heard a bunch of rowdy noise coming from the other side of the door.

She opens the door and sees the guys celebrating and a new man in the locker room.

"Guys, we forgot Carmen!" Matt captures their attention. "Carmen, we got a new addition to the Bullet Club."

"AJ STYLES!" Anderson announced.


A/N: The drama...

Sorry for any mistakes. Honestly this took me a while to write and I barely edited it, I did a simple scan through. So if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes, I apologize.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this. If you did, hope you vote and I'll see you next time.

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