8. A glimpse of Kissing Him

Start from the beginning

" T-o where unc-le? " Sarang shakily asked, tears were falling on her chubby cheeks as she looks up at Tae. Poor child, Tae mumbles.

Tae's smile didn't falter despite pitying Sarang for having a cruel grandfather. " To the dining table, your celebration is not done yet. You still need to blow your cake and make a wish, right? " He tries to soothe the situation for Sarang. That's what Tae is good at. His personality provides warmth to people.

" What are you doing?! " Mr. Jeon spat, totally annoyed. He felt like they are trying to stomp and spit on his pride. " Didn't you hear, what I said?! " He yelled, scaring the little girl as she clings tighter at Tae, squirming to the latter's side.

Jungkook gritted his teeth, clenching his hands into a hard fist. Almost losing the last straw of his temper. He doesn't want to shout at his father. Being a son, he must respect his father. But if he keeps on scaring Sarang, he doesn't know where his temper is going to bring him to. " Father- " He tried to stop his father again, but as usual he was cut off.

" Sarang, didn't you hear what I said?! Stop clinging onto strangers and you should listen to me only! "

" Tsk. " Jimin caught everyone's attention. They are all looking at his direction, but his eyes are not leaving Mr. Jeon. " Woi, Old geezer, stop scaring Sarang. " He said it with a stoic expression and assertive tone.

" What?! " Mr. Jeon gasps. " What did you just call me?! "

" Old geezer. " Jimin spat nonchalantly, ignoring the dangerous glare he was receiving from the older. " Tae, what are you still gawking at? Move. Bring Sarang to her seat. I'll follow you. " He instructed Tae. The latter immediately complied, pulling Sarang with him but gently.

They went to the opposite row from where Jungkook and Bo Gyeol were sitting, Jungkook gave up his seat so Sarang stays in the middle of Jimin and Tae. Jimin was just facing Jungkook while Mr. Jeon was sitting at the very center edge of the table where he can see everyone properly.

They are all settled down, but the tension was still there. Mr. Jeon was still fuming. " How dare you called me that! Who do you think you are?! " He rasps.

Jimin smirks at Mr. Jeon, while dishing up different meal courses on his plate. He wasn't in the good mood tonight after the incident with his father awhile ago. He just want to eat and get this over with. But it seems, there are people who don't know when to shut their mouth, and read their surroundings.

" Who told you that you can eat?! " Mr. Jeon yells. Tae stops scooping some dishes that he was about to put on his plate while gulping. As for Jimin? He ignored the older as he chews his food loudly while eyeing him straight in the eyes. " This is my house, you can't just enter without my permission! Leave! "

" Make me. " Jimin retorts, still calm like before and continues digging his pork into a pile of vegetables on his plate.

" I'm going to report you to the police. This is trespassing. " The older warned, as he digs into his pocket and takes out his phone.

" Go ahead. If you want me to dial their number for you, just tell me. " Jimin fed the troll, lips curving into a smirk. He knew, no matter how much he tries to ignore it, the latter is not going to stop unless he gets the dose of his own medicine, double or even triple of it.

Jungkook sighs, he was glad that the tension subsided a little this time, not affecting his Sarang anymore. At the moment, Tae was feeding Sarang.

The bickering remains between Jimin and his father only. But then, Jungkook can't just turn a blind eye to the insulting remarks of his father.

" Father, you don't have to go that far. I told you I invited them. Stop referring them like trespassers because they are not. They are my guests, Sarang too. You should respect them. " Jungkook points it out in a way that he was scolding his father. Then, he averted his gaze from his father to Jimin, scolding him as well. " And you, stop responding to the provocation. Don't be rude. Father is still older than you. You should respect him too. "

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