Eggman's Plan Failed

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Previously on Runaway Lovers
Sonic had been cleared of being normal but his actions will forever remain unforgotten. Eggman'had sent phase 1 of sending robots to attack his friends while he had worked on Phase two of trying to capture Shadow. He had this control machine that will cover his eyes.
Shadow's pov
I was attacking the robots and badniks knowing Sonic and his friends helped me. All of sudden the robots and Badniks was keeping Sonic and others busy. I tried to ran to them to help them but I was captured by Eggman. "Shadow!!!" Sonic yelled as he jumped trying to reach for my hand. I did the same thing but Eggman had quickly put the mind control mask on. I stopped reaching and Eggman had dropped me. I landed on my feet awaiting Eggman's command. He had ordered me to attack Sonic as we did fight a while. Rouge had flown in to help Sonic fight back against me. She had noticed the mind control mask I had from Eggman. She did her usual spinkick (one move she did in Sonic X). She aimed for the mask I had but dodged it. I was then ordered to flee. I skated to Eggmans base with badniks and Robots. "Shadow!" Sonic yelled as Rouge hold him back.

~Sonic's pov~
I could not believe it. The moment I was bad from Scourge, now good, and just moment ago, Shadow was controlled by Egghead! I sighed as Rouge and Tails took me home. I just...I just can't believe it. I heard Tails and my friends talking. "Guys!" I shouted as I looked at them. "We need to get Shadow back!" I said. Tails nodded. "I can create a device that will get the Mind Control off him! But it will take weeks to hack it." Tails said as he flew in his lab to start working on it. "Lets hope you can.....meanwhile, the rest of us will try to delay Eggman's plan!" I said as everyone nodded. Hang in there Shadow. We will free you from Eggman's control.

~Shadow's pov~
The mask was put on me by Eggman. I tried to fight it but it was strong. I knew what I was doing but I couldn't stop it. The moment I walked on eggman's base, that's when I started to fight it. I had my green emerald with me but Eggman didn't know it. The control may seemed strong at the moment but I am stronger. It may take me weeks but I know I can do it.

~No one's pov~
The battle against Eggman had continued. Sonic and Controlled Shadow continued to fight. Eggman had hated whenever they stop his plans. But this plan, he was slowly winning while Tails hacked Shadow's control mask. Shadow seemed to noticed as he stopped fighting Sonic. He sent out chaos spear to Eggman which eggman's mobile had taken the shot. Shadow then struggled to get the mask off. It was at the end of April as they know Eggman's plan had began on end of week of March. Shadow finally took off the mask by force as Tails had weakened the Mask. Shadow growled. "Never again Eggman!" Shadow shouted as Eggman nodded but Eggman was determined no matter what. Sonic sighed as he knew it wouldn't end so he saw his arch nemesis escape. Everyone returned home that day as May of the Month had come. The heroes finally got their sleep, all but Shadow and Sonic. The two hedgehogs was watching a tv show called Sonic X. "Hey Sonic." Shadow asked as Sonic paused it. "Yeah Shads?" He said looking at Shadow. "I know we been together since you first became you know my boyfriend while you were under that....but do you want to be more than that?" He asked as Sonic nodded while Shadow took out the wedding ring. "Will you marry me?" He asked giving it to Sonic. Sonic teared up and hugged Shadow tightly. "Yes!!" He yelled as Shadow placed the ring on Sonic's finger. Eggman had watched it as he knew it was time for them to be alone. "Time for me to change..." he mumbled as he went away in his eggmobile. That following day, the two hedgehog announced it to his friends and the world that they were getting married. Eggman that day had changed and would support Sonic but only he would have Orbot and Cubot help the future kids with training and he would repair them for later use. Sonic was surprised when Eggman said he was retiring from doing Evil deeds as he said he would help Tails repair stuff. He would be like a.....Mr. Eggtinker. Tails seemed to be appreciated by that. Eggman said he deactivated his lab and would reuse those machine and reprogram into a good ones. The old eggman lab had been shut down and destroyed by authorities. The world of Mobius has been finally at peace. Eggman retired from evil and heroes finally could have their moments in lives.

(HEYYYY this chapter is done! It is now May 1st of 2020 and its early in the morning for me! So tomorrow i will add a new chapter called Marriage
And then a final future of kids in school but will leave ending with a happy day of school which i will post this weekend. See you all next time!)

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