Chapter2: Amy's Death

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(Just to let you all know. I will try to update this and get it completer but I hope I can make it into series! Sonadow is my favorite Ships in Sonic Franchise but please do not hate me or my partner. Enough of introductions! Now on to the chapter! Enjoy! :D)
Previously on Chapter 1
Sonic was in love with his former rival, Shadow the Hedgehog and was used to be the hero of Mobius. He had become a criminal and had run away from the cops who were currently trying to arrest them. Sonic's friends had joined cops to arrest them in hopes of getting them back but has not succeeded. They had them surrounded but knew they were armed and dangerous.

No one's Pov
Amy had seen a cop getting ready to shoot on the leader's command and was about to shoot. "Sonic watch out!" Amy had shouted as she ran behind Sonic. The bullet was going fast and she had got shot making everyone look at her in shock. Amy had fallen to the ground bleeding. "Sonic..." she weakly said as Sonic looked at her. "Ames!" he said as he held her hand. "Sonic I loved you....please come back to and Shadow..." she said as she closed her eyes and had her final breath. Sonic put her hand on her stomach and got up. He sped off past the twin tailed fox leaving Shadow behind. "Sonic!" Shadow shouted as he tried going after Sonic but SIlver, who was psychic timetraveller, had Shadow in his hold. "Dammit..." Shadow mumbled under his breath. Shadow was brought in for interrogation. He had answered some questions from the cops but in an honest way. Honesty was not his thing. Then the day after his arrest, the funeral for Amy was held. While the cops were away, Sonic had come back to Shadow and took out the cameras. Sonic then broke Shadow out of prison and ran away. Sonic had looked emotionless last time Shadow had seen him.

Shadow's pov
I saw how serious he had become but he still showed his emotions. "Sonic..." I said softly as Sonic looked at me as we were in the forest. We had a secret home that was offgrid. "Shads we've been together for a year now. All the stealing and dating that criminals do was not enough. We need to be more....more than criminals." He suggested and received a nod from me. I knew Sonic had a close bond with the pink hedgehog when he was a hero, but now, he doesn't talk about her. It was like how I lost Maria on Space Colony Ark. Maria was my first friend I had but I don't talk about her or my past. "Shads, I think I know why you don't talk about your past." the blue hedgehog said as he looked away. "Then you know how I went through." I said as he and I walked to our home. Once we got home, I sat down on the couch but heard him say he'll take a shower. "Okay" I responded as I heard him walk upstairs and heard our bathroom door close. I had heard the shower running meaning he had started to take a shower. I sighed as I walked to our bedroom to get out of the prison uniform which I hated wearing. I changed into the usual criminal outfit and walked downstairs to make myself swiss rolls. I also made Sonic some chilidogs that he likes. Once I heard him get out the shower is when I got done making the food. "Sonic! Food is ready!" I shouted as he said okay. I placed the food on the plates on the table and waited for him to come downstairs. I saw him walk towards me as he was wearing his other casual criminal clothes.
"What?" Sonic said as he looked at me. "Nothing but with Rose out of the way, we can continue our plans we had. We can be the biggest criminals. Not even anyone can stop us....Sonic. I'm sure you can handle this. That pink hedgehog was reckless enough to let you be free." I said as I grinned evilly. Sonic nodded. "But Shads, Amy was-" I cut him off as I growled. "Amy, That echidna, Tails, EVERYONE WAS YOUR FORMER FRIENDS! I still care for them! That hero...your hero self is still in there! Inside you! Seal it and you will remain criminal with me! Why do you think I stopped working for GUN?" I asked as Sonic gasped and looked away. "Your right. I can't go back where I used to be." Sonic said grinning. "Thats more like it. I'll be back. I have some problems to deal with. Make some chilidogs for us." I said as I chaos controlled away. Sonic nodded as he started to make Chilidogs. I had appeared in Rouge's house where Rouge and Omega was waiting for me.

Rouge's Pov
I saw Shadow appear as he said he would be. "Hey hun, any updated on Sonic?" I asked. Shadow shook his head. "He's growing more criminal. This is not good. Perhaps if his friends can knock some sense in him. That will work. If not, I'm sure we can meet up without Sonic knowing I am Undercover for it from GUN." Shadow said as he crossed his arms.
Before Sonic had changed, GUN knew this would happen so Team Dark and rest of Sonic's friends had a briefing about it. "I feared this would happen if Sonic had gotten tired of being our hero. Shadow, you must go undercover and find out why. Meanwhile rest of you, the former friends of Sonic, you can join GUN pretending your hopes of getting him back. Tails, my best scientist will help you develop a cure or something to help Sonic return to normal." GUN commander ordered. Tails nodded. "I'll get working on it!" He said as he flew away to the top best scientist. Amy sighed as she hoped someday they can get Sonic back. "You all are dismissed." GUN said as he turned around on his chair. Everyone had walked away. "Shadow come with me." I said as Shadow followed me to the computer. "I analyzed Sonic's body. It looks like his powers and his hero self are trying to drive whatever is making Sonic this way away. But i fear they need help thats where you and his friends come in to play. But look." I showed theres another dna in Sonic. " is his dna in Sonic!?" Shadow said surprised. "It must've happened when Sonic fought him other days." I replied getting off the computer. Amy walked in hearing what I had said to Shadow. "Thats right! While we fought Scourge. The team was down except Sonic. I was conscious enough to see Scourge inject something in Sonic! I have to tell Tails!" She said running off to find Tails."
~flashback ended~
"For now, Tails and all the scientist at GUN are trying to work on the cure. They say it make take months to finish it." I said as I sighed. "We don't have time! We need to act fast. I gotta get back to Sonic. Keep me updated, Rouge." Shadow said as he chaos controlled back to Sonic. Sonic and Shadow had started to eat the chilidogs but I fear Shadow is our only hope trying to get Sonic back. Of course Amy knew all of this but the shot she took, was real enough. She will be missed. I have a feeling she will aid us in the future but that time isn't now...

(Well that is long i hope. See you all next time.)

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