Antidote Given

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Previous on Runaway Lovers
Shadow had managed to get Sonic to talk about his hero self and that he knew it was working. It was as if it was the key to get Sonic, his hero self, to talk about his friends and how it was like being a hero.
Sonic's pov
I get the feeling my hero self was wanting to be free, roam and do the usual stopping Egghead's plans but it was something in me that it was like a home to me. It was as if Shad knew how to get the Scourge-me to stop taking over.
~meanwhile with Tails and others~
Tails' pov
I finally did it. It took me few months to make the cure but i did it. The few last tested Cure helped sonic slow down the take over of Scourge-Sonic. I managed to create a permanent cure for Sonic. "Rouge! Tell Shadow now!" Tails said as commander had order troops to get ready for the big showdown. (A/N: I will create All the way to chapter 6 or 7.) Rouge nodded as she called Shadow. Shadow had answered it as well as Sonic listening. "Hun. The cure is made. Initiate Plan 2!" Rouge said as she hang up. Shadow nodded. Rouge and I put the cure safely stocked but knew we had to act fast. I got ready with everyone else and went out into position in the Station square center waiting for Sonic and Shadow to walk up.

Shadow's pov
I looked at Sonic. "Lets get ready." I said as Sonic nodded and we got ready. It took 3 hours to get ready then went out to Station square center alarmed. I had talked to Rouge an hour ago to fake attack me and I would fake call for Faker to get him to be distracted. Once we got there, we got prepared to fight as the others came out and started to fight us. Tails was waiting for the right moment to inject the cure in Sonic. The fight lasted 3 hours but rouge found a right moment to strike me as I grunted. Aker had noticed it as he tried to go help me. Tails took the chance and tackled Faker as he injected the cure into Faker.

Sonic's pov
Tails had injected the cure into me which had removed the Scourge-control thing fully. I loojed around and got up. I looked at myself. "Wh-........Oh right. Thank you for removing it. Now....time to get this city's trust again!" I yelled as everyone nodded but cheered I had returned to normal. Now you all know how heroes win their trust back. Shad nodded as he went to do what needed to return since it was all over. I celebrated with my friends but little did we know Egghead was watching us.

Eggman's pov
I was glad to hear that the blue rodent had returned to normal. Now I can go on with my plan. "Don't celebrate yet.....Sonic.....The time has come for me to return to plan out my Eggman Empire! But yet fully it will be sooner than you think, hedgehog." I said as I laughed evilly. I got up and put my plan into motion which I won't dare to tell you readers yet! You will have to figure it out yourself. I had seen them walk back to Tails workshop as they continued to celebrate.

(I really hope you guys liked this book.! See you next time!)

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