Chapter 7: Lakeside Meeting

Start from the beginning

...speaking of which, he had places to be, and strings of fate to tie. His muse would create a miracle, he was sure of it! Also, with the angel involved, his chances of salvation were practically set! He just had to trust that she knew where she was going....well, it would be fine, he was sure. With that thought in mind, Cecil stretched, hopped off of the bed, and trotted off towards the other side of the girls dorms, ready to 'commit crime', as the angel had so eloquently put it.

...Wait a minute. He never learned the angel's name, did he?

Kaya sat at the base of a tree by the lake, writing lyrics on an empty page. After taking a walk around the lake, she figured she may as well actually get something done and searched for somewhere to sit so that she could get a head start on the first assignment. She originally wanted to just sit in the gazebo, but then quickly realized that there was a very large chance that Tokiya would just U-turn on the first sight of her and never meet Haruka. That would be....less than optimal. Thus, she was sitting at the base of a tree, not hidden, but not immediately in view either. She really hoped Shining wouldn't pop out of the bushes near her like a horror movie monster.

"Wait!" Ah, there was the lovely protagonist now.

"Where'd that kitty go?"

Kaya knew. Cecil had sprinted over to the lake like a bat out of hell, dropped that handkerchief like it was hot, and immediately made a beeline for Kaya's lap the second he saw her. He nearly knocked the pencil out of her hand. She peeked over the brush surrounding her and saw the gentle girl searching for the little black menace by the lake. What she didn't expect was for Tokiya himself to walk by not even two feet away from her into the clearing, all without noticing her somehow. She nearly had a heart attack. The boy then posed dramatically while looking coldly into the lake, which caused her to let out a soft, amused puff of air. Did he that? Casually? For fun? Cecil batted at her hand. She tapped him lightly on the head in response.


'Oh baby girl noooo....' Kaya internally cringed. Why did she come here? This was so awkward. She didn't even like this scene. She couldn't leave though, because not only was stupid Cecil sitting on her, but also she was only like five feet away from Ichinose, and the bushes were LOUD. She sighed mentally, resigned to her fate. She heard Nanami begin to stutter.

"Um...I'm a fan. I never would have thought I'd be able to meet you here, Hayato-sama..." Kaya unconsciously tightened her grip on Cecil and ducked her head down, almost fully encompassing him. The atmosphere was extremely awkward, and knowing how Tokiya was in the early series, it was like watching a fire. Tokiya coldly cut the poor girl off.

"I'm Ichinose Tokiya."


"Please don't confuse me with that shallow dullard, Hayato."

Kaya sweatdropped. 'Wow, no need to be so self deprecating, my man...'

As the two main characters stood dramatically, Kaya sat by her tree, releasing her grip on the poor cat. She felt bad for potentially hurting him, but he did choose to sit there, so it was technically his fault he got crushed.

As if in petty retaliation, once her hold loosened enough, the cursed catboy quickly climbed onto her shoulders and then-


"Hey! Shh-!" the second the words came out of her mouth, she knew she messed up. As if to add insult to injury, Cecil launched off of her shoulders and into the clearing, immediately giving away her location. She stayed still, hoping that maybe they'd just move on and-

"Who's there? Come out." Shoot.

Kaya sighed, then slowly came out of her hiding spot, which was literally just a shady tree and a bush, and walked over to them, brushing herself off.

Stepping Out From the Shadows (various x fem!modern reader) [Uta no Prince Sama]Where stories live. Discover now