But I wasn't done, glimpses and flashes of forgotten memories played in my mind. "Xavier's blue eyes?"

I didn't know which part of my brain this was coming from—what the hell was even a Xavier?— but I let it speak, not that it would have shut up if I wanted it to anyway. My inner fall was in control now and she knew something I probably didn't.

I stared in confusion at the dazed look in his eyes and the sharp frown that followed before his eyebrows furrowed in a kind of confusion I knew was anything but sincere."Exterminator?, kills sinners, rids the world of  pests...vermin...wrongdoers". Another pained moan followed "I hurt him, he found me, he set me free!"

Flashes of hospital beds, IV lines, the sickening smell of chlorine passed through my nose.

Wait what!

Whoever mixed whatever I drank should be rightly thrown in prison!

The blue-eyed elephant recoiled at my statements, his face scrunched up in apparent horror "you mean he killed you?" he whispered like a dirty secret, one which only him and I knew of.

I moaned in pain as the pounding in my head increase, becoming more evident and much louder.

It was only a matter of time before the herd caught up.

I shook my head in frustration "I–," I started and shook my head again "He didn't wreck me, he tried to save me, he loved me and he fulfilled his promise."

I smiled in what I hoped looked like comfort as blue eyes slipped a cup of water–I didn't even know he had gone to get– into my hand.

"Take a drink,"he smiled apologetically "It'll help with the hangover and whatever drunk state you're in right now."

An hour passed —with me drifting in and out of consciousness before the effects of the alcohol wore off. And when I looked up, I almost wished it hadn't.

I sucked in a sharp breath, bracing myself for impact before coming to face the reality before me. My eyes darted round panicked, wondering when the blue-eyed elephant left and who else had noticed me talking to Cyan.

All I want is a repeat of last time...NOT.

"hey!" he whispered, jolting me out of my thoughts.

Like almost literally jolting, cause I jumped up startled, almost instantly realizing my stupidity as I did so.

Probably shouldn't have done that!

I clutched at me head, hold his steady gaze with my eyes narrowed. I had been talking–under drunken influence, mind you– to the most popular guy ever to grace Grayland High–according to his fans and sycophants– and I had no idea what I had been saying.

Almost made me miss the blue-eyed elephant...

"What are you doing here?" I spat out, very aware of the venom in my voice and the confusion plain, unhidden on his features. "Isn't this bad for your reputation?". Didn't he know he could ruin everything for me, the whole reason for moving away was to get away from all of it. Not to come to a new school and have it start all over again, just because I was a lightweight.


The sound of my name sounded...so sweet, so familiar, so dangerous and most definitely damning like a forbidden memory, one which I am doomed to not remember nor do I want to.

"Who's the exterminator?" came his very annoying and slightly distorted voice.

I shot him a glare before replying, which I only did because I wanted this conversation over as soon as possible, maybe even right this second. "What are you talking about?"

The current lack of alcohol in my system had left me in a very nasty mood–one that had somewhat been unexpectedly slammed into me, one where I had realized the world wasn't wasn't rainbows, fairytales and happy endings as my parents had wrongly led me to believe, one that made me understand people died, people got hurt, people suffered and sometimes, heck!, it wasn't even their fault– and I obviously wasn't even going to stand there gaping like a moron, answering questions on topics I knew nothing about.

"Fall..." There it was again, that name...my name, atleast I thought it belonged to me, right?. I wasn't sure of a lot of things right now. "You were drunk and you said some things about an exterminator!"

I rolled my eyes at him, why the hell couldn't he see the obvious "You have a phonebook to call one, don't you?" my tone was sweet...syrupy and condescending at the same time, something I'm not quite sure how I pulled off. "I was drunk and probably spewing lots and lots of rubbish." I smiled, reaching up to brush my caramel hair from my eyes "Don't worry your pretty, little head about it."

I cringed when I realized how utterly sexist that sounded.

He rubbed at the nape of his neck, bit his bottom lip, seemingly in deep thought before letting out a frustrated sigh, giving me one last forlorn glance–something that reminded me of a sad, lost puppy–before walking off.

Leaving me to stare at the words on the back of his varsity-looking jacket–Billionaire Boys Club–, wondering what the hell I said during my time in the Land of the Drunk.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the late update, I honestly blame my laziness and very unnecessary fatigue.
So who officially...officially loves fall?
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