Chapter 1

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~(...____Cyan woods____...)~

In the society, Suicide is often frowned upon but, I think it's quite alright at this point to want to die.

...I stared, stared unblinkingly, stared at him the same way I did three nights ago and the same way I did the three nights before that.

I could feel it, the knife in his hands, the terror and tremor behind her ear-piercing and bone-chilling screams as he plunged the knife into her throat and stomach over and over again, her innocent warm blood all over him.

I could feel it all but i didnt understand why.

I wasn't the one doing the killing. It was the dark-haired monster I'd seen so many times before doing it.

It didn't matter what I did -it never mattered what I did-,I couldn't stop him believe me, I tried,I really did but it just ended up hurting me instead. For the first six or was it seven victims, after that I just stopped trying,letting the horrible scenes unfold before me.

I stared into the lifeless eyes of the dead unknown girl–golden eyes–, watching her lips go slack, watching her draw her last breath before it was over for her. I tried to feel something –anything really would have done at this point–for the body before me but all I felt was darkness.

A deep, dark and empty void where I knew my emotions should have been.

He was beside me staring at her too. His breath uneven, his chest heaving but he looked tranquil as if killing the girl had given him peace, we've had moments like this before; the kind of comfortable silence that seemed to stretch on forever.

I stared into his eyes, those familiar soul-piercing electric blue eyes–it was so familiar it hurt–, I just didn't know where I'd seen them before.

I blinked and he was gone, the dead body was gone leaving me to drown in a pool of darkness and my own insanity.

I jolted awake not surprised in the least that I was in my own bedroom once again. That was how it always happened, wasn't it? except my night terrors weren't like others, no shit but mine actually happened. I'd see the monster killing a redhead, the next day or two, a redhead turns up dead over the news, coincidental? I think not.

Nowadays it wasn't a matter of if, just matter of when.

I felt pain, the only feeling I could experience at this point in my life as I dug my nails into my palms so hard I could feel myself drawing blood.

Why couldn't I be like others?

Others didn't have night terrors that came true, others didn't cry themselves to sleep at night but go to school the next day putting up the golden boy facade, others didn't sleep guilty of constantly watching people die and not being able to do anything about it.

I cried myself to sleep that night, just like I'd done every other night after I'd first met him.

Author's note:
Hey guys!!!...first chapter finally completed, I'm so stoked...
Also I do really short chapters so......also appreciate any kind of constructive criticism...if in this story anything is written in italics it means that part is either really important or it happened in the past...kay??
Thanks for reading!!!

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