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i am the type of girl who knows what she wants. i've always been decisive. and when it comes to guys, i am not really a fan of them for i know how small-witted most of them are. my own father is a very good example. but i haven't closed the idea of falling in love— yet.

some actually tried to date me or court me, but it's either they were bored by me during our date or they were intimidated. i suddenly remember you, the very first guy who have the guts to confess to me during eighth grade.

"h-hey," you were so pale when you approached me.

"yes, what can i do for you?" i asked while fixing my things.

"i... i–i like you. no, that's not it. i am in love with you," you were staring at me like i'm some ethereal beauty.

"come again? you're what?"

"i'm in love with you," your eyes were sparkling that time. it was so beautiful.

but then i cannot reciprocate what you feel. plus the fact that we were so young! i told you that i don't believe you and maybe you were just bluffing, but you were so persistent. you even followed me going home.

but then after a year of consistently 'courting' me, you stopped. i told myself, finally you're tired of me. i thought that's it, you gave up. but that's not just it, you were nowhere to be found. they said that you were given a scholarship abroad and you took it. i am actually proud of you, you deserved it. a year with you pinning around with me, i got to know how smart you are.

"hey! are you okay?" a colleague snapped me out of my thoughts.

"you better fix yourself before our new boss arrive. i heard he's so smart yet so cold," she warned.

she was about to tell me more gossips when our new boss arrived.

"what in the world are you—"

"yes, miss? you're saying something?" you asked me.

"nothing, sir. welcome!"

we went back to work as you went to your office. maybe i was staring so badly that you felt it so you turned your head to me. you stared back and it pierced through the deepest of my soul.

"see? he's really cold! he didn't even thank us for the warm welcome!"

"maybe he was just jetlagged," i defended you.

one week in work with you would be the death of me! it was like we're competing in a staring contest every time our eyes would meet.

"hey, our cold hearted boss was looking for you. go to his office now," she told me.

"go girl! melt his heart!" she cheered.

clueless of everything, i went to your office. it was actually few minutes before our dismissal so i don't know why he called me.

"good evening, sir. what can i do for you?" i asked. you look liked you were surprised to see me but you looked amused at the same time.

"can you wait for few minutes? i'll just fix my things," you said to which i nodded.

while you're busy doing your things, i noticed some changes in you. you're taller now and more masculine. you looked respectable yet cold. but when i look into your eyes, it was like you were still the same guy who were "a fool for me" as they said before.

"i'm done. let's go," you uttered.

"uhm sir, where are we going?"

"it's past work time already, stop calling me sir. i... i actually want to ask you out for dinner," you were suddenly shy. you even blushed!

"it's okay if you would turn down. i understand if someone might get mad if i—"

"i'd go with you," i said with a bright smile.

"there won't be someone mad?"

"nah. i'm single," i said and grabbed your hand then intertwined our fingers.

so much for denying that i am attracted to you, it's now time to make up for the times that i actually missed you. maybe this is actually why i never liked anyone after all these years, coz even when i thought i cannot reciprocate your feelings, my heart already fell for you.

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