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it took me one glance to get drowned into your sorrowful eyes. and it took me few seconds to notice that you were looking at me, too.

"staring is rude, you know," you said.

"oh yeah, says who?"

"feisty huh? i like that," you even laughed. how dare you?

"shut up!" i yelled too loud that some people looked at our direction.

"new here?" you asked to which i responded with a single nod.

"thought you were feisty, why act like a tamed kitten now?"

"what the— i don't even know you," i said as i packed my things and stood up.

that was our first meeting. in a cafe. and little did we know that that'll be our usual spot. we often share the same table for you love to annoy the hell out of me. sometimes, you would treat me an americano. most of the times, we would argue about anything under the sun. that became our routine.

"hey, how's school?" you asked.

"still the same, nothing new," i replied.


"told you already, studies first," i said.

"fine, fine. hmm, just a random thought," you paused and think for some moment.

"what if we date?"

i almost splashed my iced coffee on my laptop.

"what in the world are you thinking?"

"what? just for fun. and we're always together anyways," you argued.

"i don't like you like that," i spat out of the blue. i mean, yes you're quite handsome, insanely cute, funny at times, but every time i look into your eyes, there's a danger sign. it's like it would be a disaster when i fall for you. you were so mysterious. like a puzzle that needed to be solved. but i have enough on my plate already. i don't want complications.

"yeah fine. but can you please humor me even for a week? please?" you pleaded and heck— you looked really cute.

"fine, just a week."

and that's how it started. i started to notice every detail in your face. your weird antics. your mannerisms. everything about you. and you acted like a real boyfriend to me. you gave me flowers on our first day. brought me into a movie house. we did what couples do. it's a fun week.

but in the last day of our deal, she came— with tears in her eyes. she hugged you immediately, not minding who you are with, which is me. it was like i'm watching a cliché drama where two lovers meet again after a long time. i was slowly walking away— away from you and a possible heartbreak.

but who am i kidding? the moment you two hugged, my heart break into million pieces. so i ran away.

the next day, i got miscalls and unread messages from you. but i don't care anymore. the way you look at her, i know i don't stand a chance.

the day after, i went to the cafe. i am ready to face you. i greeted you like nothing happened, i even smiled. but all you did was being cold.

"why did you left?"

"coz i needed to. that's called respecting privacy," i answered nonchalantly.

"and why are you avoiding me yesterday?"

"i am not. just got busy."

"let's not fool ourselves. i like you."

"and so?"

"i know you like me too."

"you like me? okay. but you love her, right?"

you stayed silent. and that's my cue. i know the answer so i ran away, again.

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