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Chatters of laughter, jesters, and abrupt singing filled the deck of the vessel ship. Aboard was the prince of Ophir and his men. They were sailing under the scorching heat of the sun and the warm breeze of the ocean. Nevertheless, everyone kept chanting their triumph. The prince himself was mingling with the noise. In his hand, he held a tankard of ale. It dripped in his tunic each time he drank but no one paid attention as every man with him was as drunk as he was.

Below the deck held the prisoners that had been captivated. They were of men and women in different ages to be executed or slave across Ophir depending on the King's decision and the noble's bidding. Iron shackles bound their hands and feet while their necks had a single iron cuff on it. Unlike the loud and bright mood above them, they were in utter silence and gloom.

Two more days had passed and the soldiers had finally grasped the sight of the province of Paucusia where the royal palace stood.

As soon as the people saw the vessel with the Cubozoa emblem, they hurried to the docks and chanted the prince's name. The glee of the people was so loud that it reverberated to the ship.

"All hail Prince Lazmet!" The people shouted when the prince had stepped down of his vessel. "Saviour of Ophir!" They shouted again.

The prince and his men mounted their horses and dragged the prisoners at the back of the parade. Their lips curved into wry smiles as more people chanted the prince's victory.

People were on the sides of the road watching them pave their way into the palace. Even when they managed to reach the palace grounds, the praising clamour of the people kept on.

The soldiers within the palace stooped down with their swords thrust in the ground as the prince dismounted his horse. "Welcome back, Prince Lazmet!" They shouted.

The prince chuckled and received their warm greetings.

One of the soldiers approached him. Apart from the others whose armours were made of iron, his gears were of gold and detailed carvings. The prince recognized him as the King's royal guard, Oman. "Your Highness, the King has summoned you to the throne hall," he said.

Prince Lazmet adhered and walked to the keep. He was in the hallway and saw a man whom he recognized as the King's steward.

As soon as he noticed the prince's presence, he gave him a bow and went inside the hall to announce his arrival.

The Prince stood in front of the opened double doors. His face had become stoic. All the courtiers were inside listening and speaking to the man sitting in the throne carved of pure gold, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms. The seat was elevated with three stair steps. The man wore a golden crown filled with gemstone, each following a shape of a certain sea creature. His hair and beard were no longer black, rather white. Nevertheless, his black skin remained shining as if it reflects the rays of the sun.

Beside the throne, a boy about his height was standing. He mirrored his own features but softer. Their eyes met and the boy curved his lips into a wide smile. Instantly, he recognized him. He was Taimek, his younger brother.

The King, then, laid his golden eyes into him. With the sun lighting up the hall, his eyes looked as if it was burning.

Lazmet used to shiver just by the sight of his father's eyes. But realizing that he had the same pair of eyes like his, he began to feel nothing by his presence.

"My son, come in," the King said and the mutters faded.

All the officials inside turned their gaze to him and bowed to acknowledge his presence.

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