Chapter 13

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Jimins POV
It's now been two months since Hoseok and
y/n broke up, they're lives have gonna downhill dramatically. Jimin still keeps an eye on y/n and calls Hoseok everyday to try to patch things up but he's always declined and ignored by both of them. However, recently y/n's been acting off, more than she already was since the break up. She's been putting more effort in avoiding people and has been covering up more. I mean, yes falls coming but it's still to warm to be wearing long sleeves and turtleneck necks or scarves. She's even been staying late after school almost every day now. I tried stay onetime, just to see what she was doing but the school janitor said I wasn't aloud to stay on school grounds during after hours unless I was part of a club, sports, or tutoring sessions. And because our school is so strict they make those who do have to stay late carry badges that allow them to stay.

However y/n wasn't in any clubs or sports, so I assumed she must've been assigned to the tutoring sessions since she hasn't been paying attention or do her homework and failing her tests, but I noticed that ever since she's been staying late that was around the time she started acting even stranger.

I started to get worried when she one day coward when a classmate came up to her asking for some paper, she was shaking and on the verge of tears. I wasn't the only one who noticed either, a few of her other, not so close, friends tried to talk to her, but she immediately shut them out. I decided to wait after school for y/n by her locker and talk to her, I wasn't gonna take no for answer. I needed to know what was wrong with her. She wasn't just depressed and hurt anymore, she's terrified and being muted now.
It was tapping my foot in frustration and anxiousness, while it neared six o'clock. Tutoring sessions lasted two hours max. do to safety regulations for students who walk home don't have to walk at night and school ended over three hours ago. I decided to run to the bathroom really quick since I've been holding it since school got out.

I stepped out of the boys bathroom but bumped into someone. "Oh! My bad I wasn't paying attent....ion." My words faltered when I saw one of the schools math teachers in front of me. I showed my proper respect and bowed while apologizing. He just rolled his eyes and kept walking while he was fixing his belt and tucking his white button down shirt in correctly. I honestly didn't like this guy, I've seen him around a few times before but he just gave me that odd weird feeling. I've caught him once or twice checking out female teachers and students, but didn't think much of it.

I brushed off my thoughts of the man and headed back to y/n's locker, hoping I didn't miss her. When I turned the corner to enter the locker hall I saw a small figure up ahead. It was y/n, I smiled but it soon fell when I noticed her tears, she was cleaning her tear stained cheeks off her face with a tissue as she quickly rummaged through her locker looking for something. She pulled out a small bag and opened it to pull what looked like makeup. She moved her locker door closer to her and adjusted the tiny mirror she had on it.

Her back was facing me but I noticed how she applied makeup to a makeup sponge and pulled down her scarf that she wore today, in this damn 103 degree weather. She quickly applied the makeup to her....neck? And then pulled out a makeup brush and a tiny container that powdered makeup and applied it to her neck as well. I walked up behind her but she didn't notice me as she put the makeup she used back in the tiny bag and through it carelessly into her locker and tightening the scarf around her neck before slamming it shut. She turned so fast that she ran into my chest but screamed, not out of surprise but complete fear.

She tried to quickly go around me but I grabbed her wrist. "Wait y/n! I wanna talk to you really quick." She looked up at me before drifting her eyes to my right looking behind me, her eyes filled with fear and panic. She looked down and as I looked back and saw the teacher from earlier standing directly behind me, which made me jump a little.

He stared directly at y/n as she had her gaze to the floor. "Ms.Y/n, I thought you said you were going home because you didn't feel well. You didn't lie to me, did you?" She slowly and hesitantly shook her head and responded in a low shaky whisper. "N-No." He took a step closer to her as he put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "Good because I would hate to have to discipline you again like I did today for being late. Wouldn't you agree?" She nodded. "Speak!" He suddenly yelled making both of us jump. "Y-Yes." Her voice cracked as fresh tears started streaming down her face again. "Good girl." He said in calm tone while he ran his finger over jawline just under her ear. I noticed her tighten her grip on the strap of her shoulder bag. He pulled his hand away and walked away. "See you tomorrow for our tutoring session Ms.Y/n."

When he turned the corner I turned back towards her, as she was about to walk away, but stopped her. "Y/n please. I just wanna talk. I'm worried about you. I know you hate me more than ever now, but I'm begging you to please talk to me. What's been going on with you lately?" She looked down, her hair hiding her face and she gulped down probably the lump in her throat. "J-Jimin...." she surprisingly started but hesitated and instead tried to make a run for it,but i acted fast and grabbed her shoulder but my slipped and gripped her scarf instead, making it slip from her neck completely. My eyes widened at what I saw as she tried to cover her neck as fast as she could, but it was too late. "Y/n...? W-Who did this to you?" Her neck was covered in bite marks and hickeys.

? W-Who did this to you?" Her neck was covered in bite marks and hickeys

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She snatched her scarf back and ran off before quickly begging me. "Please, please, please don't tell anyone." I watched her run through the front school doors as I stood there shocked at what I saw. I couldn't believe it, it all made sense now. Y/n's not the type of girl to fuck or do anything sexual with just any guy, especially with an older man. She was too innocent and believed in only making love, not sex, and only with the one you loved. I couldn't believe I've been so blind, there were so many signs and red flags, and yet still failed to see that y/n....was being FORCED.

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