Chapter 12

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Jimins POV
It's been three weeks now and since word got out about y/n and Hoseoks break up, everyone was shocked even teachers were talking about them. I remember when I stayed for tutoring one time I over heard two girls talking about them saying how perfect they were for each other even saying how they were guaranteed to get married after high school, but now everyone has shown them nothing but pity. Y/n no longer smiled or laughed. Hell she hardly ever speaks and it's when a teacher asks her a question. Other than that she's a mute now. She doesn't eat and looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep. I'm pretty sure with Hoseok no longer in our school anymore it's made her worse, he got expelled when the teacher he apparently "assaulted" reported him to the principal. He was lucky they didn't call the police or sue him.

I was right now talking and laughing with my friends when out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face. Y/n. She sitting alone like always now with her hoodie over her head and her hands propped up to support her head. And also like always now, not eating. I felt horrible, when I planned to expose Hoseok for what he did, I didn't think the impact would be this bad. I thought maybe y/n would see how she left me behind and would become my friend again, but no. She now wants nothing to do with anyone or anything. When I tried to talk to her one day to try to cheer her up, even a little, she just looked at me with dead cold eyes and walked away. I've been so worried about her health lately when I noticed the large amount of weight she's lost. She's pale as paper and looked like she would drop at anytime now. I would follow her home everyday just to make sure she made it back safe, I'm sure she knew but just didn't care anymore. I even wait for her in the morning and we would walk side by side, but she'd never talked or even spare a glance at me, as if I wasn't even there.

Did it hurt? Yes. But this was my fault and I still cared for her. I even still loved her after all these years of annoying her and watching her give all her love and attention to him.

The bell rang and I waved bye to my friends before jogging over to y/n and walking with her to our next class. Still nothing. We entered and she head to the back of the classroom by the window and put her head down on the desk. She wasn't sleeping but just wanted to block everyone out by closing her eyes and letting reality melt away. I sat in front of her to block her from the teacher to keep her from getting in trouble for not paying attention, it was always like this now too. I glanced back a little to peek at her and swallowed the lump in my throat at what I saw. A weak malnourished pale emotionless girl that was once filled with life, laughter, love, and healthy. I blinked my tears away when the bell rang and the teacher walked in getting ready to start class.
Y/n's POV
I woke up from the feeling of someone gently shaking me by my shoulder. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and glanced up. My vision was still blurry and I struggled to see the persons face, when my eyes finally adjusted I saw Jimin looking down at me with a soft expression on his face.

Not wanting to talk to him I packed my stuff up, but I dropped my notebook and all my notes fell out. I sighed and squatted down to pick everything up and Jimin tried to help me, I didn't want him too but I didn't want to speak to him either so I ignored him and just tried to pick my papers up as fast as I could. Just as I picked up the last paper I stood up straight but I did it to fast and got lightheaded. I felt myself falling but than I felt a firm chest to my back and strong arms wrapped around my stomach. I was panting and struggled to hold myself up. I heard Jimin talking to me but couldn't careless about it. I hated it when this happened, but it was normally in the morning, so why was it happening now? I forced myself to get it together and pulled away from Jimin, grabbed my things, and walked out of the classroom ignoring Jimins calls.
Hoseoks POV

~~~Hoseoks POV

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