Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV
Jimin took his phone out of his front pocket and flashed it at me, I jumped when Hoseok lunged at him tackling him to the floor. He was holding Jimin by his collar while Jimin gripped his hand trying to pry it off. Jimin held back Hoseoks other hand that was raised to punch him. I ran to my boyfriend and tried to pull him off, begging him to stop and to just take us home. He eventually let go of Jimin and quickly wrapped his arm around my waist practically pushing me to the car and forcing me to the passenger side seat. He was trying to rush us out of here to get us away from Jimin, but before he could close the door Jimin spoke up again. "Come on Hoseok, tell her what you did after you got drunk that night!"

He froze, he held a look that had fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness. He was facing me but looking down while breathing heavily. I reached up and cupped his cheek catching his attention. "Hobi please, just....take me home." I said on the verge of tears, why? Because I was actually thinking about what Jimin was saying. Did Hoseok do something bad that I didn't know about? Is Jimin lying and trying to just start stuff? But if he was, why is he saying he can show me what he did? I can see his eyes well up with tears he looked like he was ready to fall apart. He soon took my hand away and made sure I was in enough to slam the car door shut. I locked it as soon as he did but saw him push Jimin back after he tried to step close to my door. Hoseok quickly jogged to the drivers side and got in. I heard Jimin banging on my window and I started crying while covering my ears as I heard him screaming through the window. "Tell her Hoseok! Tell her how you got very friendly with another woman! How you fucked her in-front a crowd!" My heart broke when I heard what Jimin said, but his voice faded almost immediately when Hoseok sped off.
I was still sobbing and covering my ears when we got home. Hobi gently pulled my hands away pulled me to his chest tangling his finger into my hair while he rubbed my back soothingly. When I managed to calm down a little he came to my side opening the door and carrying me out of the car.

When we got inside, he sat me down on the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. My mind wondered back to what Jimin said earlier. Was it true? Did Hoseok really cheat on me the night he left? I started crying again not wanting to believe it but couldn't help the fact that there was a possibility that it could be. I laid down and clutched my pillow as I tried to cry silently.

Hoseok came back with a warm wash cloth in his hand and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. He gently started wiping my tear stained cheeks that are being soaked with new tears. I let him continue his gentle touch until I reached up and wrapped my shaky fingers around his wrist halting his movements. I looked at him and I could tell he knew what I was about ask him. "Is it true?" My voice came out in a shaky whimper. I pleaded with him through eye contact. I was begging him to tell me it wasn't true, but when he averted his graze from mine and didn't say anything, I let go of his wrist and just smothered my face into my pillow crying even harder. My heart shattered. I felt as if I couldn't breath. I felt his hand graze my arm but I pulled away.

I didn't know what I was feeling right now, but I just couldn't handle the thought of being near him right now. I got off the bed and grabbed my hoodie that was draped over a chair in our bedroom. I speed walked down the hall but didn't make it far when hoseok grabbed my upper arm and yanked me back. "Where are you going???" His words were filled with fear and panic. I looked away not able to face him or even look at him the same. I couldn't even stand his hand touching my arm knowing that it had touched another girl in a sexual way. I yanked my arm away before I spoke. "You promised you would never hurt me. I trusted you and loved with all my heart." I didn't know what I was saying, my mouth was just mouthing on it's own, maybe it was my heart speaking to him. "I don't know what you did exactly but I know you were involved with a girl that night. I maybe naive at times but I'm not stupid." "Y/n.....please....." he sounded broken and I hated that, but I couldn't help how I felt right now. "As much as it hurts me, I don't think I could trust you or even be with you anymore." He suddenly gripped my shoulders and spun me towards him. "Don't you say that! I love you y/n! Yes, I did fuck some girl at a club shamelessly but I stopped! I stopped and came back home to you! If I could go back and undo what I did I would but I can't, the damage is already done-" "It doesn't matter!" I yelled cutting him off and silencing him. We stared at each other for a minute before I spoke again in a more calm but broken voice. "It doesn't matter. You still did it and to make it worse, you tried to hide it from me. So tell me Hoseok, if Jimin wouldn't have said anything to me would you have told me?" "" I looked at him with disappointment and hurt. I pulled away once again and made my to the front door, but before I left I turned to him and I'm sure what I said hurt him more than it hurt me. "I'll be back in a few days to pick up my stuff, for the mean time don't call me, don't text me, don't even talk or come near me." And I slammed the door behind me with tears burning my eyes once again but I held them back as I walked my way back to my parents house that lived a good two hours away by foot, I didn't care I wanted to be alone anyways for awhile. So I took advantage of the time it took to calm down and let reality set in, knowing tomorrow will be nothing but hell.

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