Chapter 2

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The bell rang for the last time that day. Y/n was packing up her stuff when she felt a presence behind her. She assumed it was her loving boyfriend but when she turned her smile dropped to irritated expression. "Jimin you have been annoying me all day. Don't you have anything better to do?" "I could be fucking your on this desk right now." Y/n's had it with him. He was in more then half her classes and sat next to her every one of them. He kept scribbling in her note books and messing with her hair when the teacher wasn't looking. She turned around with a full force slap coming towards his face but he gripped her wrist before she could.

"Y/n, I thought your pathetic boyfriend was the violent one in the relationship. Tsk tsk I guess he's rubbing off on you." She tried to take her hand back but he just gripped it tighter making her whine a little at the pain. Someone suddenly grabbed Jimins wrist in a tight grip. He looked and ended up locking eyes with
y/n's protective boyfriend. They gave each other silent death stares until Hoseok spoke up between gritted teeth in a deep deadly voice. "Take your hands off of her." Jimin found this amusing and decided to tease him a little. "Or what? You'll break my hand pretty boy? I'd love to see you try." Hoseok was about to grab Jimin by the throat until once again y/n interfered. "Hobi please." He looked at her and saw her pleading face begging him not to start anything. He took a deep breath before yanking Jimins hand off of her. He grabbed
y/n's bag and books while wrapping his arm around her waist guiding her out of the class, leaving Jimin there.

We walked to Hoseoks car and he threw our stuff in the back seats while opening my door to help me inside. Once I got in he went around and drove us back home.
We got home and I immediately started getting me and Hoseok some snacks and drinks so we could do our homework. He normally does his on the computer desk while I stick with books and lay on the bed. I placed the snacks on the bed and changed into some shorts and an over size hoodie and got comfortable with my little fluffy blanket over my legs. I was already doing my homework when Hobi walked in with black sport shorts and no shirt. The summer time heat was still here and I can tell he was feeling it. His skin had a thin layer of sweat and the roots of his hair were slightly damp. I couldn't help but stare at my boyfriend in awe. He must've noticed because he smirked and walked over to me. I got nervous and looked down at my book but the gently gripped my chin and lifted my head back up to him. "You like what you see babygirl?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I glanced away from him. He leaned in and pressed his lips against my ear and whispered. "Don't worry beautiful, once we're done with our homework I'll give you what you want." He kissed my neck and shoulder before pulling away and walking over to the computer desk to do his work. I fan myself with my notebook to cool off after this heated moment and then started doing my own work.
3 hours later
I finished my homework and studying for my test next week already, but Hobi was still finishing what was left behind n one of his classes.

Meanwhile, I was cooking dinner so we could eat once he was done and then just relax afterwards. I was tasting the sauce, I was gonna put on the chicken once it was done, when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me tightly. I jumped a little but relaxed when I realized who it was. He rested his head on my shoulder and sighed in contentment. I continued to cook not minding my boyfriend clinging to me.

Once I finished he let go to help me set the table. I set his plate full of food in front of him and started to fill my plate. When I sat down he picked my legs up and rested them on his lap. We ate in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company.

When we finished he helped me clean and put the dishes away. Then we headed to our bedroom to watch tv and relax.

Hobi decided to shower before bed so I flipped through channels until I found something interesting.
Hobi stepped out in a new pair of sports shorts and no shirt drying his damp hair. Not being able to find anything I decide to shower too.
I was blow drying my hair when I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n?" Hobi came stepped inside. "Hey" I gave him a warm smile and put the blow dryer down. "It's late, you need to get some sleep." I nodded and followed him to the bedroom. I jumped in bed and tucked myself in while Hoseok turned off the lights. He joined me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to his chest. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and was about to let sleep take me.

Until I felt Hoseoks hand slowly sliding down my back and under my shirt to caress my warm skin. While he pushed one of his legs between mine and against my intimate area. "Hobi? What are you doing?" I gripped his shoulders as I felt him rubbing his thigh firmly against my core. "Did you really think I forgot about earlier?" I looked up with hooded eyes and met his lust filled ones. He smirked before leaning in and capturing my lips while continuing his movements. He gently pushed me onto my back and leaned over me with his hand moving from my exposed back to my now exposed stomach. I moaned knowing that it was going to be a long, tiring night.

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