Chapter Twenty-Eight: Swaying up the Stairs.

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Jinx sat at the bar all alone, twisting her drink in her hand. She had been sitting like this for a while and it felt like her own thought were twisting and turning. But sometimes the tension builds in her and she feels like she could snap any moment. In the back of the Wyrm ,Fangs and Sweet Pea could see something was wrong. But they stayed observing her from a safe distance at their own game of pool. Sighing she finally drank some of her drink and ordered another one. In her head she was numbering the complications that clouded her mind.

And now she thought about it, she didn't know why she told Archie and Fred what happened before she went to juvie. And she was bought by her friend's father. And the reason she was actually sent there. Why would Hiram chose her to fight for him? Maybe he isn't telling everything. She has her several to ties from both the North, as well as help the Southside. Even considering if she would want to go to school. Her friends, if she could call them that. Already asked why she didn't go to school. She answered by, "I just have to get some things in line before I do that." And before she knew it she was ordering another drink and spilling all her questions and burdens to the blond bartender. Slurring double-tongued, all the way.

"I don't want to fight anymore you know? I know I make good money from it but I can't just earn it in that way." She said with a pout.

The bartender chuckled. "I get it, just tell e'm you don't wanna do this for any longer." He answered with a shrug.

"It's not that easy, I was bought like a slave, and then he told me I he drugged me the last time." She said with a annoyed sigh.

"Don't think about the things you can't do, what can you do to stop this?" He asked while leaning over the bar.

"Right, I can uhmm. I can't hide. I can't tell him no-" jinx started but was quickly interrupted.

"That the total opposite of what I told you, just think about it." He said walking away and cleaning a glass with a cloth.

Without any other thoughts she pulled some money from her pocket and slammed it on the bar. She tried making sure to leave a tip for the boy that advised her but her vision was tripping so she couldn't count.

She downed her drink and stood up. Swaying from side to side, even collided with a wall one time, she walked out the doors and searched her pockets for her keys. Her eyes tried searching for the right ones but her vision didn't really cooperate. She started sticking the keys in the holes and when one finally fitted she softly grinned. She grabbed her helmet and wanted to put it on. Before she even could though she saw something white in it. Her cheeks filled with air and she squinted her eyes. It was hard to keep standing still when she was possibly drunk and swaying on her high heels.

She could actually read the card. But she made out a few distinctive words.

.........there.....will .....up.
I  already .......everything.....fight.


Pouting like a child would be doing if it was angry at it's parents she shoved it in her pocket and hauled her leg over the motorcycle. She put on her helmet and she was gone again.


She already changed in her clothes for tonight when she arrived at the trailer and found the card she left for Toni untouched

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She already changed in her clothes for tonight when she arrived at the trailer and found the card she left for Toni untouched. Toni hasn't been home yet then. She touched herself up and was actually sobering up in the time she was at the trailer and drank some cups of water with sugar. Deciding it was best if she ordered a taxi for her trip to the Five Seasons. Although she was sobering her mind was numb, she couldn't really think and only wanted to be able to do that, not think for one night. Her thoughts would sometimes bother her when she wasn't doing anything though.

As she arrived at the Five Seasons she she led her phone if Nick texted her his room number. And he did. On her way to the counter.

"On what floor is room thirty seven?" She asked with a small frown on her face and questioning herself if she read this good or not. Her vision wasn't still as stable as it should be.

The women behind the counter smiled at her before typing something on her computer.

"Nicholas St.Clair's room is on the second floor." She answered with her huge fake smile.

Jinx nodded and walked to the stairs. She was scared of small rooms so she would have to take the stairs. They way up there was very unstable as she almost tripped the whole time on the steps and had to hold onto the railing if she didn't want to fall of the stairs. She knew she was already late but it didn't bother her and so it shouldn't.

When she finally arrived in front of Nicks door she already heard the music and people inside of the room. They were laughing and having fun already. She doubted herself if she should do this but before she could think the door was already opened. She plastered on a soft devilish, pearly smile and looked up. Nick smiled charmingly.

"I almost thought you weren't coming. Becoming a little disappointed, even." He said before closing the door a bit and stepping closer.

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