Chapter Twenty-Three: Sheriff, Howdy.

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She looked at him with a sad smile. "Hey Handsome."

He slowly walked towards them and all other ones that surrounded her walked away again.

Looking her up and down once he stepped a little closer. So close that they felt each others breaths.

He lifted his right hand and softly cupped her cheek and rubbed a small circle with his thumb on her cheekbone. With his other hand he grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer.

She laid her right arm on top of his left and held on to his elbow, leaned in to the hand that cupped her cheek and closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.

His dark eyes looked at her with such adoration and conflict, and she could definitely see that.

He swiftly kissed the top of her forehead before looking around. He laid his hand on the small of her back and guided her upstairs.

When they reached upstairs he softly pushed her in one of the rooms and looked around again if anyone saw them. After that he closed the door and leaned his head against it with closed eyes. He pulled a hand through his dark curled hair and with the other one he pinched the bridge of his nose.

With a heavy sigh he turned around again and looked at the girl that sat on the bed.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked harshly while raising his hands.

She stood up from the bed and answered with a soft voice. "Last time I was here in Riverdale, one of my brothers pulled a thing. Then I went to prison." She explained.

"Prison? You know I would break you out." He told her in controlled anger.

"I already got out earlier." She said while crossing her arms.

"What the hell did your brothers do then!? Huh?" He angrily said as he stepped in her face.

She looked up at him with glazed eyes and answered him.

"Blaze thought it would be fun to play Russian Roulette." She answered with a cracking sigh.

"So what happened after?" He asked.

"I-I it was my turn, I should've died. He took my bullet." She began panicking.

"Is that what you think? Leave me, oh right. You already did!" He yelled at her.

"What the hell was I supposed to do, Cole took the fucking bullet for me!" She yelled at him in an angry tone.

"So what! You have other brothers, not like I care." He said not aware of what he was actually saying.

She looked at him with tears brimming in her eyes and a broken smile. "From what I'm hearing I should've taken the bullet." She told him before walking to the door.

He stopped her by putting his hand in front of her face but she shoved right past him.

When she wanted to open the door he locked it with a key and threw it to the other side of the room. With force she grabbed the door knob and started pulling. His grin went away when the door started moving from it's hinges but further than that it didn't come.

Again she took a step back and she punched her hand through the door. He looked at her with a shocked expression and she just grazed for a key on the other side of the door. She couldn't find one so she took another step back and kicked in the door.

It was only after she rushed away he became aware of what he just did.

He lets out an frustrated growl and pulled his hands through his hair. Not thinking about following her even. He just slumped down against the wall and blankly stared forward while his hands furiously tugged his dark curls.


More pissed than this she could be, she was angry, upset, confused even. First he treated her different. He definitely changed while she was gone, everyone knew that.

Clenching her whitening knuckles on the steer of her bike she started going faster, and faster, and faster. It was only after a siren stopped her she actually slowed down.

Shoe could have the cops on her now. Wiping the bloody knuckles on the inside of top her jacket she wiped the brim of her eyelids and shook her head a few times.

She already stepped of her bike, crossed her arms and kept her gaze to her feet when the officer reached her. When he started talking she finally looked up.

"I think you are fully aware of why I stopped you." He told her.

She plastered on a fake smile and came up with a lie. "I'm new to town, it's not an excuse but I was exploring a bit."

He nodded and walked closer. "I'm sheriff Keller." He introduced himself.

"I'm Jinx." She answered. She wasn't going to give him her full name.

"For this time I'll let it slip, and get a helmet." He chuckled before driving of again.

Sighing in relief she hopped on her motorcycle again and went to the trailer.

Russian Roulette / S.P  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن