Chapter Twenty-One: Your Loss.

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It was already the next day and she picked out an outfit. It was a scooped black top and just a high waisted jeans. She topped that of with her jewelry and she walked to the kitchen.

Toni was already out for school and today would be a busy day.

She got herself three sandwiches with ham and cheese and turned on the tv while she plopped down on the couch.

She just zapped from channel to channel til she found something she would like to watch. After she finished her sandwiches she just walked to her bed and got her bathroom bag.

She walked to the bathroom, brushed her teeth. Also applied some makeup, defined her eyebrows and made them darker, curled her dark long eyelashes and applied a few coats of mascara and put on some slightly pigmented red lipgloss.

When she stared at herself in the mirror she wasn't satisfied. She pulled her hair into a messy bun and she looked slightly better she thought.

She pulled some more makeup from her bag and decided she would want to go with a more feline and foxy eye look. She downturned the insides of her eyes and upturned her outer corners with some darker nude eyeshadow and a small dark wing.

Smiling at herself in the mirror she sighed again and walked towards the door to her bedroom. She grabbed her sack and put all her dirty laundry in it and threw over her shoulder. She grabbed the jewelry where she would have to get rid of and threw her boots and her jacket on. After she secured the sack on her bike she rode away on it.

Today is going to be a busy day.


While driving she suddenly remembered what Veronica had told her yesterday. Abruptly stopping her motorcycle she got the gun out from her jacket and held it in her hands for a few seconds.

After a minute of hesitation she threw in in the river and drove away again.

Her second stop would be the local pawnshop. She was going to trade her unseeded jewelry for some money. After she did that she was actually surprised she had a lot of money. She didn't expect to sell so many pieces and then have so much of it. She sold twenty pieces and got €10.000 dollars. How was she going to hide these stacks of money?

For now she just hid most of it in her jacket and the rest she threw it in the sack. She arrived at the laundry place and threw in her dirty laundry. She paid and walked out again.


With slight hesitation she knocked on the door.

A confused Archie opened the door.

"Hey, Archie." She started.

He looked a bit hesitated but still greeted her. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to tell you that were good, right? No more fights and all." She nodded at him.

"And I wanted to know how your father was doing." She said.

"Archie who's at the door?" That was his father that came walking from the kitchen behind Archie.

"Hey, Mr.Andrews. Just wanted to see if you were alright.and I wanted to talk to Archie." She explained him.

"Yeah I'm fine right now, how about you?" Fred asked her.

She smiled at him and explained things. "He grazed me from the side but I survived, I'm glad you did to."

Archie looked at her shocked when she lifted her top and revealed a scar that was in her side.

"I didn't know you were hit too." Fred told her concerned.

Jinx smiled again. "It doesn't matter anymore, we're alright now. Aren't we?"

"Yeah we're ok." He answered with a smile.

Archie and Fred abruptly turned around when they heard the smoke alarm go off. They all rushed towards the kitchen and Archie started waving a cloth around.

"No no no no no, Archie! That laid make it worse!" Jinx yelled.

Without thinking she stepped towards the stove and turned it off. A slight sizzling sound was heard when her hand got burned. She hid it in her pocket and hoped no one would notice it.

"Thanks." Archie smiled out of breath.

"No problem, I got you guys distracted so it would be my fault." She answered with a small sorry smile.

"No it's ok." Fred sighed at his smoke filled kitchen.

"Might want open a few windows for that." She said while looking around.

Fred chuckled. "Thank you for coming over. Would you some food if it isn't burned?"

"Yeah sure. That would be nice." She replied with a smile.


They were al silently eating the food that wasn't burned and had a small conversation.

"So Jinx, you are a serpent?" Fred asked her.

She proudly smiled and replied. "I am, just want to make sure they don't go off to the wrong path and do stupid things." She said while looking at Archie with a sly smile.

"After my family parted I got to chose my own family, a few years ago I wanted them to be the serpents. No regrets." She told them before eating her last piece off scrambled egg.

"Family parted? What do you mean?" Archie asked her.

Fred looked at him sternly but jinx saw that.

"No it's ok you ask that. Most people in this town have their suspicions over me." She told them with a small sad smile.

"I'm actually adopted, along with two of my real brothers, we were triplets actually." She answered.

"We're, triplets?" Archie pushed her.

"I had two other adopted brothers. I was the youngest, I still am." She continued.

"What happened to them?" Fred asked her concerned.

She dropped the fork on the plate and sighed before answering him. "So I had four brothers. Wyatt the oldest, Cole the second oldest, Dutch my oldest twin, Blaze my youngest twin brother and then, there's me. The only one left. My second eldest brother died. I never saw Dutch again, and Blaze.. Blaze is in a mental hospital."

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