Chapter Twenty-Two: Former Lover.

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"Sorry." Archie started.

She smiled at him sadly. "There would be a day I would have to get over it."

"Sorry for your losses." Fred told her.

"It's fine." She smiled.

They were interrupted by the doorbell and Archie rushed over to it.

"Hi Archiekins." Veronica smiled at him.

When she walked further inside her smile slightly faltered but she put it back on again.

"Hi Mr.Andrews, Jinx." She nodded at them with a smile.

"Hey Veronica." They both smiled at her.

"Dad were just going upstairs." Archie told his father.

He nodded and hummed in response.

"Is there anything I can you you with?" She asked while leaning on the counter.

"No thank you." He smiled.

"I'm going to ask them something real quick." She stole him before walking upstairs.

"Archie!" She yelled.

She was walking down the hall before she was dragged inside a room.
Then the hand on ephedra wrist disappeared and she looked around the room.

"So this is your room?" She said looking around.

"Yeah it is." She answered.

"So I wanted to tell you some things." She told him before standing before him.

Veronica sat on the bed but now stood up and stood besides Archie.

"First of all I wanted to tell you I threw the gun into a river." She whispered.

The both nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Second, I wanted to ask you something." She told them.

"When you get in trouble, with one of the serpents. Don't hesitate to contact me." She said pulling out her full up charged phone.

"Here's my number." She said before showing them her number.

They noted it inside of their contacts and Jinx started talking again.

"You can contact me for everything actually, I don't really have a busy life so if you just need help with something you can call or text me." She smiled at them.

Archie and Veronica smiled at the girl before Archie spoke. "Thanks, sorry for what happened." He told her.

"Let's be friends, not enemy's." Veronica said with a smile.

Jinx nodded in agreement. "No frenemy's."

"And now your here. I would like to ask you two something." Veronica told them with a huge smile.

She stepped away from her spot next to Archie and stood before them.

"I like to invite you two at dinner tomorrow at the Five Seasons, there is a housewarming party coming and an old friend of mine is coming." She told them.

"Now since you two are good with each other now. I would like to invite you too Jinx, so that Archie wouldn't be the lone one." She finished.

"I would love that." Jinx exclaimed with a smile.

Her inner girly came out and she squeeled. "So I presume I should wear something fancy and no jacket?"

"Yes." Veronica answered with a small squeal herself.

"So, time and place?" Jinx asked.

"I would like to introduce you to my parents, my mother told me she already met you at her former work so that shouldn't be a problem, and all of my other friends met my father already. I would like you to meet him too." Veronica told her excitedly.

"Just meet me in the Pembrooke at 4pm." She finished.

Jinx smiled. "Sure."


It was already half an hour later and she halted in front of the building where she wanted to be.

After she told her goodbye's to Fred, Archie and Veronica she quickly went to the trailer and changed into some tight black ripped jeans and a a jacket that fits the jeans. She dropped off the sack, brushed her teeth again and was on her way. And that were the only things she did when she arrived at the trailer though.

She hopped from her motorcycle and gotten a little nervous.

Everyone that was there was smoking, doing drugs or either drinking. Or all of them at once. They followed every movement she made since she walked through that front door.

"We have company!" One of them yelled with a smirk.

They quickly surrounded her and there she stood trying to look unimpressed but not flattering herself, looking confident but not so much.

It worked out pretty well, for now.

"I need to talk to him." She stated to the man that stood before her.

"He's busy." He answered.

"Then he'll make time, I'm sure he will." She told them and tried to get past them.

"What is all this noise about." someone asked them after taking a swig of his bottle of alcohol.

"Someone wants to talk to you." The man smirked.

"Tell them I don't have time." He sighed while turning around to walk away again.

"You sure you don't have a minute for me." Jinx asked while sticking out her hip.

At this he turned around again.

When he saw her he dropped the bottle of alcohol and stood there with a gaping mouth.


Take a guess in who this is🙂

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