Cake, meet spoon and fork...

51 2 3

Miyu: okay, for one of my classes, we have to get flour bags with baby faces on them and blankets for diapers. I named mine Len XD Some people got eggs and they got to draw faces on them! *pouts* no fair... anyways, during English, my teacher was like, "you can make a cake with that. I would like to meet your cake baby. We can go on a picnic with Mr. Spoon and Mr. Fork!" XD it was really funny,

Caesar: isn't she the--

Miyu: you better not say crazy one

Caesar: uhhhh, nope! Hehe, I was going to say... uhhhh... the... the nice one! ^_^

Miyu: sureeee...

~Your Hetalian, OUT!!!! >:3

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