*-* Caesar x Reader

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A friend of mine wanted me to make one of these so... yup.

(y/n): your name

(l/n): last name

(e/c): eye color

(h/c): hair color

(f/c): favorite color

(o/f/c): other favorite color

(n/n): nickname

Let's began then, shall we?


You walked down the halls of the creepypasta mansion. You happily sighed to your self,' this is nice... just me, the walls...' Then-without warning-a voice split through the air, slicing through the peaceful quietness like a sword. "(N/N)!!!! (N/N)!!!! (N/N)!!!! (N/N)!!!!"

You flinched, knowing who the voice belonged to. "Crap." Yup, your annoying friend, Imaginary Caesar. He glomped you, knocking you to the ground.

"Caesar!! How many times have I-- what are you doing...?" You paused. He was sniffing your (h/c) hair. "Ahhhhhh... you smell of (f/c) and (o/f/c)!" He announced, still hugging you on the ground. "What? How is that even poss- never mind. GET OFF!!" You growled.

He scrambled off of you and stretched out his hand towards you to help you get up. You swatted his hand away and stood up yourself. If you took his hand, he would just pull you into a tight hug (like always -_-). He pouted as you walked away without a word.

He caught up to you. "Aww... c'mon! I greet you, hug you, try to help you, and this is what I get?" You whipped around to glare at him with your sharp (e/c) eyes. "More like you don't use my name correctly, almost break my bones, and was going to squish the air out of me!"

"Aww c'mon, (l/n)! Give him a chance!" Your other cray-cray friend was suddenly beside her... brother, I guess you could call it- err, him. You sighed. "Miyu..." the insane black-haired teen wildly shook your shoulders. "JUST ADMIT IT ALREADY!!! IT SAYS SO IN YOUR DIARY!!!" She froze, she shaking slowing down until she stopped completely. "Errr, I mean... hehe, what I meant to say is-" she suddenly whipped around and ran away.

"......" you stood for a little, processing what just happened. "wait. WHAT?!" You turned to Caesar, who was staring at you with a shocked look on his face. "SHE DID WHAT?!" You screeched. "I'm dead." You announced, slumping to the ground. *^*

Caesar quietly (wow, I can't believe I just used that word to describe him) sat down next to you. After a while, he whispered something you couldn't hear. "Hmm?" He took a deep breath and repeated it. "Do... do y-you really... uhh... like me?" You sighed, might as well tell the truth. "Yesh, Caesar... I do." After a moment of silence (huehue) you stood up, Caesar also getting up. "Err, well... I gotta-" you broke of with Caesar hugging you and you awkwardly hugged back.

"I KNEW IT, (Y/N)!! I TOTALY KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!" He squealed like a fangirl and glomped you AGAIN. You sighed and smiled. You pat his head like a puppy. 'Some things never change,' you thought and joined in on his little game of tackle-ze-idiot.


Remember, this is my first x Reader soooo... sorry if it was the ugliest thing you've ever read. And Caesar might be a little OOC >_<

Caesar: *massive nosebleed* I hugged a girl... (-▽-)

Miyu: and this is why we don't do this *facepalm* (/.-)

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