Funny moments with my friend

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Me: *looks at half-eaten cupcake* hey there, beautiful *winks and takes bite*

Friend: PPPHHHHHHFFFBBBBBBBTTTT *tries not to spit out milk*

Me: PPPHHHHHHFFFBBBBBBBTTTT *tries not to spit out cupcake*



Both: *quickly swallow* LOL

~( ̄▽ ̄)~

Both: *watching TV in my room with the lights off and curtains closed*

((No dirty thoughts!! XD))

Me: *turns off TV* meh

Friend: *freaks and stumbles to the door, which is closed* ASDFGHJKL

Me: *makes 'scary' noise: GRRRRRESEHHHHHHH!!

Friend: *screams like a girl*

((A/N: note that he is a guy))


Friend: *turns lights on* stahp.... (-///-)

~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )~

Friend: *walks into bathroom and closes door (well, duh)*

Me: *walks past bathroom*

Me: *hears something* what? *presses ear against door*

Friend's voice: *sings* pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Lets test your knowledge and see what you've learned so far! What color are the unicorns? PINK!!! Where are they dancing? RAINBOWS!!! Please use one word to describe the texture of their MAGICAL FUR. ...SMILES!!! YEEAAHHHHH!!! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffeh unicorns dancing on, dancing on, rain- *song ends* \(>w<)/



Friend: I'm going out *leaves room*

Me: With who?

Friend: *comes back* Whaaaiiittt... I mean out here!

Me: uh huh *winks*


M'kay this is more like a filler. I'm still working on The Waffle and Pancake War!!

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