“A college kid created this emergency?” 

“One of my daughter’s friends I met out in Mesa during parents’ weekend.” The president gets a scared look on his face. “At least I hope he’s just a friend. That kid’s a real wacko. He’s called Wizkid.” 

“Wizkid, huh?” That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’ve obviously been called here because the president is completely out of his mind and he needs someone to entertain him. Who better to make a fool of than the man who outsourced apple pies? I want to go home. I need to talk to Karen. “Perhaps we could discuss these issues when they become more readily defined?” I say. 

The president looks at the ceiling. “McCarthyism!” he shouts. 

I can’t help myself and laugh. “McCarthyism?” 

“The issue has been defined.” The president puts his hands in the air and flutters his fingers. “McCarthyism is alive and well within Big Mac. And they keep popping up everywhere.” 

“Is this a joke?” 

“No. It might be unreal, but it’s no joke.” 

“No offense, Mr. President, but I have to leave for my son’s concert.” 

“Your son will understand.” 

“My wife won’t.” 

The president strokes his chin. “Probably not.” His face is calm. He touches my arm and looks at me with sincerity. “Your country needs you.”

I reconsider. Despite the craziness, something in me trusts him. I decide to hear him out. “Why me?” 

President Wright points his finger at me. “The Big Mac Party. They’re more powerful than you think, Thompson.You’ll find that out soon enough.” He swivels his chair around and types on his computer. “Check this out.” 

I look over his shoulder to an email. 

“This must have been sent to me by accident. The sender’s address is blocked, but it has to be from someone who has my classified email.” 


Emergence program is Big Mac’s greatest asset, but also a huge potential liability. We should consider terminating if Big Mac Party becomes self-sufficient. Thoughts? 


 “Do you know anything about the Emergence program?” I ask. 

“It’s on the books as a CIA intelligence-gathering center, but I can’t figure out its true purpose. McCarthy started the program in 1951 and had it funded to last a hundred years. The program is self-sufficient and exists outside the known command structure.” 

 The president confiding in me relaxes me somewhat. What he has been saying is mysterious, thrilling even. McCarthy’s insidious influence and support were far and wide. Congressmen, senators, the army, even the president were afraid to take him on. And now the president is implying that a secret McCarthy program that’s somehow tied up with the Big Mac Party is still influencing the government. It frightens me. I suddenly feel inclined to help. 

 “But what can I do?” 

 “You’re my best shot.”  

“Best shot for what?” 

“To find out what’s going on at Emergence. I’ve heard Slater mention it on the phone before, but every time I try to find out what it is, I get blank stares. The bits I’ve picked up were from some old classified Truman files I was able to get access to.” 

Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthyWhere stories live. Discover now