Chapter Twelve

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“My feet hurt!” I hear the ever so familiar sound of Aira whining about being on patrol.  “Can’t we get water or something?”

“Sweetie, please shut up.” I quickly turn around to see Aeryn and Aira glaring at each other.  Aira has her hair down, which is easily getting in her face. She refused to wear the clothes I tried to give her so we had to search the other lockers for something more suitable.  To say Aeryn was annoyed would be an understatement. She was furious because we ‘wasted’ valuable time looking for clothes for a newcomer.

Aira has her arms crossed as she continues to glare at her brunette senior.  “You cannot talk to me like that! Do you understand what my family can do once they wake up?”

Aeryn fakes a smile, leans toward the red-head,  and pats Aira’s soft red locks. “If they wake up that is,” she mumbles before walking ahead of me.  Her brown ponytail is swaying as she walks. Aira is fuming, her red face is making it evident that she didn’t like the previous comment thrown at her.  “Hurry up you two, we don’t need to get ambushed by the bots.”

I value my life so I don’t even question what the taller female says.  My shoes are wearing thin because of my constant walking, so I can feel the coolness of the floor.  While my shoes protect me from a lot of different things, the cold floor is not one of them it seems.

I hear Aira huff behind me, but I don’t hear her steps.  My body turns as I look at her. There she stands, red faced, not moving.  She looks like she is having a temper tantrum like a little child. I cross my arms at the girl, slightly annoyed with her.  The more she opens her mouth to speak, the more I notice how much my brain made up details about her.

Aira is a bully, through and through.  She despises musicals as well. The girl doesn’t care about others and only wants to have the best things, even when we don’t have enough.  She ultimately is a self entitled brat who doesn’t understand that there are dire consequences to her actions.  

“Are you coming or what?” My tone is colder than I really wanted it to be.  My arms are still crossed and I attempt to keep an eye on where Aeryn is in my peripheral vision.  I really don’t want to locate an opening to get back to base. All doors are spaced awkwardly and it’s quite annoying when you don’t know where they are.  For some strange reason, the only one who knows where each doorway is located is Aeryn.

But she was the first to wake up so it’s not that strange I guess.

Aira looks at me and then the retreating figure of Aeryn.  “I thought you were on my side!” She mumbles but doesn’t move.

I roll my eyes before grabbing her wrist and dragging her with me.  She makes audible protests before being silenced with my glare. “I am on neither side.  But if you want to be able to stay up, you need to stick with us. Who knows when a bot is going to attack.”

She digs her heels on the floor, trying to halt my dragging.  She then tries to pull her arm out of my grasp but to no avail.  I may be annoyed with her, but I don’t want her to go back to the system.  I wouldn’t wish that fate on my worst enemy. “If you keep struggling I will connect you back to the system myself.” It may be an empty threat, but it gets her to start walking like a normal person.

“Oh great, she got out of her tantrum,” I hear a mutter in front of us.  Aeryn is still walking, acting like nothing happened. Was she the one who just said that? Probably, she doesn’t seem to enjoy Aira’s company very much.

Aira learns to take a hint and doesn’t open her mouth.  So luckily, our expedition comes to a close in absolute silence.  We all pool in, not wanting to talk to anyone. I let go of Aira ad flop onto my sleeping back, absolutely exhausted.  Sneaking around is super tiring when you have nerves that continuously tell you that something may jump out at you.  

“Hey.” I lift my head to see Aeryn kneeling down and looking at me.  “I wanted to say thanks for getting Aira to calm down. I never could do that.”  She shifts from kneeling down to sitting. She leans on the wall and sighs. “That girl is more trouble than she’s worth.” She looks and me and smiles.  “But you did find out that we can manually disconnect someone from the system.”

I shift where I’m sitting so I can lean on the wall as well.  The wall is cool to the touch, but not unbearably cold. It’s rather soothing, especially if you have been walking for hours on end.  “I never expected her to be so rude, I’m sorry.”

Aeryn pushes my shoulder and quietly laughs at me.  “Oh please, while she isn’t a brat, she isn’t unbearable.  We are lucky that you two are friends or we really would have a problem though.”  I laugh at her comment before we both look away and just sit there in comfortable silence.

“Why are you two just sitting there?” I groan as the ever so familiar voice breaks the comfortable silence.  “What did I do now?”

Aeryn stands up and pats Aira’s head again.  “See you later kiddos!” She walks away into another room, leaving Aira and I alone.  Aira quickly sits on my sleeping bag and looks at me.

“So, you and Aeryn?”  If I was drinking something I would have done a spit take.  What the hell was that supposed to mean anyways? Aeryn and I are just friends, honestly I’m getting over Aira at the moment anyways.

“Aeryn and I are just friends,” I mutter as I close my eyes.  A headache makes itself known, making me want to murder anything that makes a noise.

“Yeah sure, whatever you say.” Aira jumps up and giggles.  She pretends to swoon and starts to jump around, reminding me of the fake version of her.  “I’ll see you later Cyrus.” She walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Oh joy, my thoughts and I alone.

Chapter WC: 1083
Official Book WC: 12,542

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