10. 'a not so great day'

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today is gonna suck ass. once a month, we have a meeting with modest! about our progress as a band. our tour manager is usually the one leading these meetings because he works for modest!. but, since the beginning, mr. clark is out to get me. he never fails to make these things absolutely miserable for me. last time it was ripping me a new one in front of the boys, which was totally embarrassing. who knows what today holds.

kenzie walks into my room right as i'm buttoning up my shirt, a smile on her face and my coffee and a donut in her hands. i smile and take them from her, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"how come she doesn't bring us food like that?" ash complains as he walks past my room.

luke smacks him in the back of his head.

"today's going to be a good day, okay? you have nothing to worry about. and i have a surprise for you guys when you get home!" she exclaims and stands up on her tiptoes, hands behind her back and her smile so big that her eyes close.

"you're adorable kenz." i laugh, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she blushes.

"i like surprises!"

"shut up, ash!"

i smile at luke's response and walk out of my bedroom and into the living room to wait for the boys.

she's right. today is going to be a good day. you're just overthinking. and even if it ends up being a not so great day, you have kenzie to come back to. and kenzie fixes everything.

"stay safe please. make good choices, and text me when you're done, okay?" kenzie asks me.

"alright sweetheart, i can't wait for your surprise, i'm sure it's going to awesome." i answer, kissing her once more on her forehead before exiting the bus with the rest of the band.

today is going to be a great day.


today is not going to be a good day.

the second we walk into the meeting room, i notice an extra person in there. dressed head to toe in hot pink latex, caked makeup, and way too high high heels, sat one of the most unattractive girls i have ever laid eyes on in my life. well, i'm sure she was pretty to some people, her body was plenty curvy, and i'm sure she had a pretty face under all of that makeup. and while i am a firm believer in girls being able to wear whatever they want with no judgement, this was a bit over the top. the skirt did nothing to cover her ass and her tubetop looked like it was only there so she wouldn't get censored on insta.

i pray to god this isn't what i think it is.

"welcome boys! i have someone i would like you to meet. this is kelsie hyren, and you'll be seeing a lot more of her during the tour, because she will be calum's girlfriend until the end of tour."

this is exactly what i thought it was.

i see red. this god awful excuse for a man is not going to take away my happiness by putting this slut in my life, i will not hurt kenzie like this.

"like hell she will be, are you joking right now?"

"absolutely not. get your anger in check, hood. you will have a happy relationship with kelsie until the end of tour and that is final. besides, it's not like you're already seeing anyone, no one would want you." he answers, looking awfully smug. 

"do you really expect me to pretend to be happy with this- this whore?  no! i'm not doing it, you have no right!" i yell. my hands flying everywhere.

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