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it's the end of the school day and i haven't talked to Francesca once

she's in all my classes but she's been too caught up with Jack to even notice me

even at lunch she just talked to him i mean i'm glad she's making friends but not him

he'll make her fall in love and then  drop her for his on and off girlfriend Madison

as long as Francesca doesn't fall for his trap she'll be good

we're on our way home now and she's just staring and smiling

"what are you smiling about?" i ask

"oh just happy i have friend in Jack"

"you know you should be careful"

"with what"

"just don't fall for him"

"what does that mean"

"nevermind just be careful"

"okay. nap when we're home?"

"of course. but i'm tired too"

"we sleep together?"

"woah fran we just met"


"it's a joke but yeah we can"

"ooo yay. well gonna call my mom now okay"

"go ahead"
we get home and go up to our room

i get in my bed and wait for Francesca

once she gets in she lays down and blushes

"can sleep close with you feeling homesick?"

"of course come here" i open my arms and she lays in them

"thank you Shawn you're very nice"

"no problem. i know we just met a few days ago but you're very pretty"

"thank you you're very cute as well"  i smile at her and she smiles back

she stares at my lips and i lean in

she leans in as well and we kiss

she smiles into the kiss and gets on my lap

i gladly hold her as we kiss and she puts her fingers in my hair playing with it

we continue to kiss until she gets a text notification making us pull apart

"wow" i say

"sorry kissed you" she says moving her hair behind her ear and laying back next to me

"don't be sorry. who texted you?"

"oh jack he ask how my day was" she smiles and texts him back

"nice so um what does that kiss mean"

"i don't know. i enjoy it"

"i liked it too. it can't happen again though"

"why not?"

"it just can't"

"we sleep close together though?"

"sure just no kissing okay"

"okay well i gonna go call my friend"

"okay have fun" i leave the room and walk down to my basement to watch tv

i wanted to give her time and space to brag about me to her friends

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