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Boy am I tired

I hope francesca doesn't mind me wanting to sleep cause I'm super tired and need to sleep

I go up to my room and hear crying

Oh no

This is gonna be in Italian cause obvi Shawn's not going to understand what she's saying

"Mi manchi tanto"

What in the world is she saying

"Voglio tornare a casa"

Oh no... a casa... home

She wants to go home

Ha I'm a genius

Okay Shawn not the time

I walk in the room and knock

She wipes her tears and waves


"You okay?"

She nods and turns to her phone

"Ciao mamma ti amo" she hangs up and turns to me

"Sorry I talk with my mom I miss her"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"I'll be okay. Need me?"

"No I was just tired"

"Oh well here" she smiles and moves over

"Are you sure?" I ask not wanting to scare her

She nods and smiles again

I lay down next to her and she puts the covers on me

"Well i go talk your mom she so nice to let me stay"

"Yeah I guess. Oh do you care if we sleep in the same bed? I have to go on floor otherwise"


Oh she really doesn't know much

I point to the floor and she nods

"Ohhh. So I sleep floor?"

"No no you sleep in bed and I sleep on floor. Or we both sleep in bed"


"You like that?"

She nods and smiles

"Well ciao" she leaves the room and I go on my phone to tell my friends Nash, Cameron, Jack, Jack Yeah two Jacks and Aaron about this


J J- what do you want

N- yeah you're annoying

C- shut up and let him talk

A-yuh what Cam said

S- anywhoooooo

S- I got an exchange student

J G- she hot?

S- JACK! Anyways her names Francesca

J G- so again she hot

S- I mean yeah she's pretty but I'm not going to get involved with her

A- are you sleeping in the same bed?

S- yeah

J J- oooo don't get a boner dude

S- Shut up Anyways tomorrow do y'all wanna meet her

C- yuh

A- yuh

J J- yuh

J G- yes and don't say y'all like you're from Texas

S- rude

J G- Whatever anyways I want to meet her

S- okay come over tomorrow then

J G- wait send a pic of her

S- why

N- Jack wants to see if she's hot

S- ew stop please

✅ Exchange ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang