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Two Weeks Later

I'm back at my home, my real home and I'm sad, I loved Canada and it was fun while I was there. I also feel really weak for leaving

"honey someone is at the door," my mom says coming into my room

"who is it, mom"

"some boy. he speaks English though"

I sigh and get up

I really have no idea who this could be

I walk over to my door and am shocked at the sight of Shawn

why is he here, when did he get here, how can I get him to leave

I open the door and look at him

"Shawn? why are you here"

"I need to apologize"

"so you came all the way to Italy?"

"yes. ever since you have been gone I've been so sad and I feel really bad. I didn't mean to say what I said because I truly loved you with us. when I yelled at you I was just upset that Taylor was getting more attention"

"but why Shawn. why do you care about attention"

"because I like you, Francesca. You were wanting to be with Taylor who would break your heart and I just like you too much to let that happen!"

"Just because you want to be my friend-"

"no ugh, it's not just being your friend! I like like you"


"yes Fran"

"I don't know what to say. Shawn, I liked you too and I was just trying to distract myself from it. I know you are a really nice person and would be a great boyfriend. I just couldn't deal with awkwardness"

"Could we try? I really like you, Francesca."

"We could try but it would be hard. I mean we're in two different countries far away"

"I know but I would be willing to do anything for you. again I like you a lot. arent you coming back soon anyway?"

"yeah next year"

"well if you wanted to wait till then I'd be okay. I would wait forever" he says with a smile

I sigh to myself and step close to him

"kiss me" I whisper and he nods

he leans down and kisses me softly

I smile into the kiss and grab him closer

"We don't have to wait"

The End

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