getting ready for the vital festival

Start from the beginning

Leone:" Something wrong, Y/n?"

Y/n:" No, it's just hard to believe that you're my wife; now, it feels like your two good for me."

Leone:" Y/n, I love with everything I have, and I'm you are perfect Snookums."

Y/n:" How do you come up of all these nicknames?"

Leone:" I have my ways~."

I smiled as Leone, and I kissed as we held each other. We broke the kiss.

Y/n:" So do we have any plans today?"

Leone:" Well, I'm going shopping with Blake later, but otherwise no."

Y/n:" So what do you want to do?"

Leone:" Why don't we just lay here for a little bit."

I smiled as the two of us went back, laying in bed together as we watched the news.

Leone P.O.V~

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for me to go shopping. I got out of bed and got ready to leave.

Leone:" Okay, Y/n, I'm heading out."

Y/n:" Okay, I'll see you when you get back."

Leone:" See you later. Love you."

Y/n:" Love you too."

I smiled as I exited our dorm as I walked down to the mall that was in vacuo. I entered the mall and saw Blake inside a store looking at some white jackets.

Leone:" Blake, hey!"

Blake:" Leone! Hey, how are you."

Leone:" Wonderful. How are you."

Blake:" I'm excellent; thanks for asking."

Leone:" Great, so did you call me here to talk about something or only to shop."

Blake:" Well, both. Your part of the belladonna family, so I wanted to spend some time with you, 

and I need a new outfit and would like to have your opinion on them."

Leone:" Okay!"

Blake and I looked around at clothes for about twenty minutes before picking one. Well, Blake was looking at outfits. I was mainly only looking at the scarfs. I picked out one scarf whale Blake told me to wait outside the changing room she wanted to show me an outfit that she had picked and wanted to show me.

Blake:" When I come out, could you tell me how this looks."

Leone:" Sure."

My sister in law entered the fitting room, and a few minutes later, she exited the room in a brand new outfit.

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Leone:" Pretty good but a bit on the skimpy side, don't you think?"

Blake:" Yeah, but the reason for that is because it's so damn hot out here."

Leone:" Understandable."

Blake:" So, you pick out anything?"

I held up the green and yellow striped scarf I had picked out.

Leone:" I'm just getting this."

Blake:" Okay."

Blake and I counted shopping for a few more hours before we went our separate ways. I then went to a weapon shop.

Shopkeeper:" Hello, miss, can I help you with anything today?"

Leone:" Yeah, I was looking for some aura piercing weapons. Do you have any."

Shopkeeper:" Why, yes, do. We have aura piercing bullet's arrow's throwing knives, dar-"

Leone:" I was thinking short ranged."

Shopkeeper:" Oh well, we have these."

The shopkeeper pulled out a box and opened it inside were many short-ranged weapons from knives to short swords and gauntlets. I looked at my different, many types of weapons before settling on a pair of spiked brass knuckles.

Leone:" I'll take these."

Shopkeeper:" Okay, that will be 350 lien

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Shopkeeper:" Okay, that will be 350 lien."

I knew that aura piercing weapons were more expensive than other weapons, but not this expensive. I took out my wallet and paid for my weapons. I wasn't typically one for weapons, but I needed for if I got the chance to fight Y/n's ex. I said that I would beat the girl to a bloody pulp, and I fully intend to keep that promise.

Abusive Yang x abused male belladonna reader x LeoneWhere stories live. Discover now