7. Meeting him again..

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"Sit down." He said again. I sat down.

"You stood there crying, do you think that would bring your sister back? Even your tears cannot move them. They're wicked and heartless. The only lie have told you is that I'm running from them. I might run from them now but not forever.

This thing has to end and we have to end it. They cannot continue to treat us like this. We are humans too and we have future. It's not a skin disease but it infects only black kids huh! Bullshit. They think we're fools. We're are going to stop this.. when I was younger, I was always bullied because I was black and I didn't dress or live to their taste. I suffered inferiority complex." He paused and look at me.

Take a look at the stranger in my front saying my life story.

"I was bullied a lot until I met this girl, she taught me how to be strong, she taught me how to find roses in rocks. She taught me how to be my own friend and most of all, she taught me how to be me. Look, I know if she were here, she would tell me how we can do this together. But, I'm telling you today, you can't just stand and cry. You can only stop them. It's not going to be easy but it's gonna be done."

He drew a side stool and sat in my front, only then did I realize that he had been standing. I looked at him and I saw pain in his eyes. He had mini tattoos in his face. A star on his nose, a broken heart a little closer to his eyes and the biggest of his tattoos read ALONE. It was on his forehead, a little closer to his left eye brow. When I looked at him, I saw the sadness of an African American teenager. Finally, I saw my friend in him.

"Jade Peterson?" I said slowly, more like a question.

He remained quiet and stared at me.

"You're just like my friend, Jade Peterson." I said again.

"I have no friends." He said to me.

"Me too. It was just Jade, but he left." I said.

"Sorry. I had a friend too. That girl I told you about. But, I don't know where she is... No sorry, ooh."

"It's okay."

"I'm trying to trust this girl Emily, we just met. I don't know why she's trying to help, I mean, she's white, she has never been bullied, her dad is rich and a government official too so I don't understand."

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

"John Doe." He smiled. First smile ever.

"Huh, do you know what John Doe is?" I asked.

"No, not really tell me." He kept smiling.

"Why'd you want to keep your name secret?"

"We were saying something?"

"Okay." I whispered.

"What's her name?" He said referring to my sister.


"What I'm saying is that, you have to forget about Jaycinel and focus on...."

Maybe it was my reflex action but I actually cut him off with a good hot slap.

"What the hell are you saying? I should forget about Jaycinel and focus on what? Do you even reason?"

"I'm going to forgive you for slapping me and I was saying you should focus on all the kids who were taken and not just her. We should focus on what we can do to help them all. We can focus on completely erasing racism in our own country first and maybe, years later, our story would be read all around in different countries. It will touch people and by erasing racism here, you erase it in countries you haven't even heard about. Do you want to focus on that?"

"I'm sorry." I said, for slapping him. This were the features of jade Peterson, but here, was anonymous. John Doe ( it means a male who wants to keep his name secret. For a girl, it's Jane Doe. See Oxford dictionary.)

He nodded.

"Do you want to focus on that?"

"Yes. Just like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. Just like you too, I will focus on erasing racism in my country. I'll start by helping this little ones. I do whatever I do with my heart, I'm always the best at what I do because I'm me. I'll do it." I don't know where that boldness came from but i think i finally made up my mind.

"I do whatever I do with my heart, I'm always the best at what I do because I'm me. Those are the words of my friend. If you're Daisy Anderson, I'm Jade Peterson." He said.

I nodded quickly and hugged him immediately.

"I'm glad they didn't take you away too." He was the first to speak.

"I'm glad I met you again." I said breaking the hug.

"Haven't changed much Daisy, I still wear big Polo's but I discarded my glasses. I'm still a nerd." He smiled.

"Don't say that Jady, you're cool as ever." I laughed.

"We have to leave this night."


"Don't forget, we're still hiding from them for now but not forever but we can't do it inside the house. We have a long way to go. It might take long. We have to figure out a lot of things."

"Yeah." I said.

"But Daisy, we don't have weapons...." He said shakily.

"Yeah, because we don't need weapons." I said.

I went to take my bath quickly and packed some clothes in my backpack.

Good lord, hope I'm doing the right thing.

I packed some of dad clothes in another backpack. They were the few I had left. I held them for jade. I never expected us to meet again in this kind of condition but we can't cheat fate. I noticed Jayci had taken her teddy with her. I remember her holding it as she sat on the couch watching the TV, this morning. I missed her already.

After taking clothes and a box of cheese and biscuit at least, I carried Jayci's hand gloves too. I'm going to give it to her some day.

"Ready." I told jade.

"Do you have a joist here."

"What for?"

"I don't know were we are heading yet. We would survive. Just get me a joist."

"At the back." I pointed. I gave him my keys. He put the joist in the trunk. I locked my house door after saying bye to my house. I threw up outside because of the drinks, I drank some water outside the we entered the car. Jade took the drivers seat because, I don't drive at night and I was dizzy. It was just past 7pm now.

"Do you have any fears?" He asked me.

"Never!" I said. How about you?"

"Never." He said too.

"We do whatever we do with our heart, we're always the best at what we do because we are us." We said together.

"I'm grateful for you, Daisy. Thanks for coming with me. Let's catch Emily." He zoomed off.

We were off to what maybe a path way to our success or a deteriorating end.

I finally breath. What do you think about this? I hope you like this? Please do share, like, comment and follow profile. It just began and it's harder to write.

- princess

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