Weekly Challenges

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So, what even are these weekly challenges you keep hearing about? Well, you've come to the right chapter!

Weekly challenges are, well, challenges we give you weekly. These include, but are not limited to,

-Bible reading





-Memorizing Scripture

We will mix and match different activities for you to complete weekly. They also may include things such as helping your team decide a name (which, according to the schedule, is week one).

Once you complete a weekly challenge, you must report that you did so to your counselor through PM or comment in the chapter of your team's cabin (either Team One Cabin or Team Two Cabin--both at the very end of this book). Failure to do so will result in a personal message from your counselor. These challenges are for your own benefit, so we will not be expelling you from the camp, but we highly advise and encourage you to complete them.  

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