Mid-Camp Bonfire

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Welcome to the MID-CAMP BONFIRE! It wouldn't be camp without a bonfire, am I right?

So, how is this going to work?, you ask. Well, there will be a few different comment chains, listed below. Please stick to replying to the one comment so that we can all chat and have fun together! Rules are the same for the camp, so if you're playing, for example, truth or dare, make sure you're following them. Thank you!

Now, let's gather around the camp fire and have fun!

----- MAIN CHAT ----->

Where we can chat about anything on our minds and make new friends.

----- GAMES ----->

Where we can play fun games like truth or dare, two truths and a lie, and never have I ever.

----- WORSHIP ----->

Where we can share worship music to sing around the fire together.

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G.I.G. Summer Camp 2020Where stories live. Discover now