How it Works and What You'll Be Doing

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How it Works

So, you're asking, how does this work? A summer camp on Wattpad?

Well, it's simple, really. First things first.

When you register, you will be assigned to a counselor and cabin (listed in the "Summer Staff" chapter of this book). This counselor will keep you accountable, and you will report to them weekly. Which brings me to the next point: you will be given weekly challenges (there are eight weeks total).

What? Weekly challenges? I thought this was summer camp, not school!

Well, yes, but these challenges will be fun (or, they should be, anyway), and they will help you grow in your faith. It's a win-win situation, really. The "Weekly Challenges" chapter will tell you more about this.

Okay, what other homewo--I mean, "fun challenges", will you be giving us?

There isn't any more challenges, but there is some more information about the challenges. Like I said before, see the schedule chapter for more information on that.

What You'll Be Doing

-Completing challenges

-Reading the Bible

-Memorizing Scripture

-Making friends

-Playing games

-Encouraging one another

-Meeting other Christian girls


-Having fun!

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