Registration Form

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Registration Form

Please fill out this form in one comment.

Name/Pen name:

Username (if you change it sometime during camp, please inform your counselor):

Age range (list the number that indicates your age range from below):

1 = ages 13-15

2 = ages 16-18

3 = ages 19+

Denomination (not that it makes a big difference--we are all one in Christ):

Do you attend church on a weekly basis? (yes/no):

Why do you want to come to Grace Inspired Girls Summer Camp?:

Did you read the rules and requirements? (yes/no):

Are you following graceinspiredgirls?:

Tag any friends who might be interested in participating:

When we have accepted your form, you will automatically be assigned a team/counselor and be directed to your cabin (at the end of this book).

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