Chapter XXXIII

Depuis le début

"Can you drop me down uncle?" The little me ask from his arms. The person the I presume to be my uncle carefully lead me down touching the ground as my little me went running towards the kitchen. 

"Don't you touch my cookies!" All my hair stand up in surprise by the sudden yell. Coming from the door was another person that was the same age as me. Same hair color, the same eyes, and skin color. She remind me of someone I know.. 


"I'm not! I'm washing my hands no eating your precious cookies!" The little me yelled from the kitchen. 

"Leave her alone San. Why not join us for the talk about your um coming mission." 

"Can I go and play outside?" The little me said with her hands still wet and water drops were dripping down her little hands.

"Sure sweaty. Just remember to stay inside the fence and not go over it."

"I will!" The little me said laughing out the house to the backyard. I was able to follow them when the sound of Sanity talking got my attention.

"What is this about my mission?" she ask straight and taking a seat near me. I was standing beside a single couch when the other three sited on the long couch that was place beside the single couch. Their was a wooden coffee table in front of both couches. 

"Your next mission is involve of Trender's plan." The mother said. 

"His plan?" Sanity ask confuse.

"While Arina was working on a spell a couple years back she made a tiny mistakes and accidentally bump into the table near her and the bottle of spells that was place on it fall of the table to the cauldron mixing it with the spell she was working on." the father said explaining. Mother came in and continue the story.

"I thought I was a goner with Y/n still in my belly that time. I was scared to die with her not seeing the outside world. When I expected a explosion the unknown spell that was inside the cauldron and the bottle f potion that fall of the table started to mix together making a scene of bright sun light. It glow so brightly and it started to create a image inside the cauldron. I took a peak inside seeing the past life and the future."

"And what does that to do with my mission?"

"Are you really that eager to get this finish." My so called uncle, if he was really my uncle, said to Sanity. 

"Well yeah." She respond.

"One of them was you are with Y/n with other three people walking inside the forest. What concerns me is that the other three was all floating in mid air like you when you turn on your soul form. Another scene cough me and that was you five started running away with arrows flying towards you. Then clashes of swords came in and screaming of dozen of people." Sanity look even confuse than before. "Then before the bright light was gone the sight of a Y/n in her last form which is the black demon form, was flying in the air with black mist in front of her heading towards one of the people below. She was out of control and the way her face show was blank but the eyes shown something more." 


"A black demon power is something every being with a mix blood of a black demon is hard to be controlled when they are in that form. Having Y/n on that form will cause damage to the whole world with our home town too. A black demon power was to control others with the person who was hit by that power will not remember anything when the holder stop using it on them. There were no other books explaining about the form of a black demon powers but in some rare cases, they conduct a research on them. What we want you to know was to take our Y/n somewhere far away from here and away from a lot f the people in the area. I suggest the forest but Trender has other ideas." The man said who is my father.

"I suggest that you both leave somewhere were people is rarely been seen. I know someone, a couple who was both witches, you both can go too. I will tell you the address where they live and once you guys are there just say your a friend of mine."

"Let me get this straight. You want me and Y/n to get away from here, from you guys to a place where people rarely live. After that watch over Y/n until the time came where she will transform into her demon form and conduct a research about it. Ok, so if that happens how will she turn back into her normal form?"

"The witches I told you about, they gave me a spell to bring someone back to normal, but the catch here. The spell they gave me can only use once when the person is really out of control." The person said with glasses explained.

"Then why won't you give me the spell and that I will give it to her when she loss control."

"The problem is here she will transform many times before she is totally out of control. That is what I mean in her last stage. The last stage is where she will transform savagely and destroy an control everything she can get her eyes on." Father said to Sanity.

"You journey start when she will turn 14 where the erasing memory of us will go."

"What?! Your going to erase her memories if you?!"

"It's the only thing we can do for her stop to go back here where people is always visible. The plan of her being in the army and being a good with craft is gone after I saw that. I thought it was only a dream when that day happen but it didn't when we came back home after 30 days she was out of me." Mom said. 

"Look for me when that day came. I will always send you a letter where I am just in case." uncle Trender said.

"Ok. You are my masters, I won't let you guys down."

"Hey mom, dad!" I turn my head to the sound seeing little me with a smile on her face before everything turn to ashes and I was meet with the black void of the abyss. I was processing everything I herd and seen. I was left speechless and I don't know what to feel. Being lie, adopted, testing? All of my life was that Sanity was always wit me because my true parents sent me out with her to conduct  research on me. Me being a demon?


"Wake up!"

"Snap out of it Sav!"

"I thought it work!"

"It was the plan!"

Plan? The plan to just sent me away from my true parents and you where only there with me because you where only told too! Using me as nothing but a research! You said you where my true friend! Why would you keep this so important thing away from me?!

"We gonna loss her!"

"No where not!"


Edit Date: March 1, 2020

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