Chapter 1

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Yay new story. I hope I can do Naruto justice. Enjoy!!


Akira POV

I was walking calmly around the forest. Where the heck I was, not even I knew.

The leaves in the trees around me were whispering softly as the wind blew through them.

The calmness around me really relaxed me. The sun was not too overbearing and the weather was perfect for an afternoon nap.

I looked along the road before me and all around me but I saw no village in sight.

I sighed realising that I'm most likely going to have to nap in the open but I really had no cares.

I saw a beautiful tree which drew me closer and upon inspection I decided that this was were I will nap.

I settled in nicely at the base of the tree and awaited for sleep that was inevitable.

The leaves whistled a song as the wind rustled through them that lulled me into the unconscious world.

Kakashi POV

Guy and I were walking back from our mission from escorting a lord from our village back to his.

I had my hands stuffed in my pockets and lazily gazing around me while Guy was going on and on about our rivalry.

“Come on, Kakashi!! Let’s have a little race why don’t we?

I barely even registered what he was saying but knew what he was going on about.

“No” I boredly said.

I couldn’t wait to get back to the village so I could carry on reading Icha Icha Paradise.

I had to know what happens next.

“Gahh!!! Kakashi! You make me so mad! Why do you have to act so cool?!”

I expertly ignored him while he anime cried. Honestly, he acts worse than a child.

I continued walking with a depressed Guy for a while before I picked up a on a chakra signal that was fairly huge.

I immediately created a shadow clone to take my spot while I leaped into the surrounding tree line.

Guy seemingly realised what was going on and he was on guard.

We proceeded as normally as we would to see if it was an ambush but when we came across the chakra signal, it was of a little girl lying asleep on the ground.

I frowned in thought of a little girl not looking older than 10 sleeping out here in the open where anyone could get her. I could feel a jujitsu around her but no matter how much I tried I couldn’t negate the jujutsu. She must be powerful or whoever casted it was powerful.

She had long blonde hair and looked as if she couldn’t hurt a fly.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Guy wanted to coo at her with little hearts in his eyes at her cuteness while she slept. I looked at what she was wearing to see that she was in black shorts and a pink shirt with a coat covering her from the wind.

“What shall we do with her? We can’t leave her here in the open” I whispered to Guy “Especially seeing as she had a huge chakra signal and is so close to the village.

I looked to Guy as he frowned in thought of what we should do.

“Let’s take her to see the Hokage” He whispered back to me.

 I knelt down to pick up the girl and who didn’t stir in the slightest.

I nodded to Guy and we ran back to the village as quick as we could.

After about 10 minutes we ran past the gates and towards the Hokage tower.

When we reached the door to the Hokage’s office and Guy knocked. After a few seconds we heard a faint “Come in”

Guy opened the door and we stepped through. I looked down at the girl in my arms who was sleeping peacefully not being disturbed by anything around her including being held by a complete stranger.

“Hokage, we found this girl about 10 miles outside Konoha. We didn’t think it was safe leaving her there all by herself.” I whispered to the Hokage who was watching us with an undivided look on his face.

“She was out by herself?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes Sir. We also noticed that she has a high chakra signal for someone so small” I said as I looked back down towards her. “She was sleeping when we found her and when I picked her up, she didn’t even notice and has been sleeping ever since. She also seems to have a jujitsu surrounding her”

The Hokage looked in thought “Take her to one of the interrogation rooms. Ibiki!” The Hokage called.

Ibiki teleported into the room “Yes Sir”

“I need you to question this girl. She has an unusually high chakra signal and was found outside the gates. And stop her chakra flow to cancel this jujitsu. Don't use too much force on her in case she really is just a child.”

“Yes Sir” He replied. And with that we left to the interrogation room.

The interrogation room is a room that we use to interrogate people who are potentially dangerous to the village.

The room is set up that the person that is in the chair is limited of chakra when the seal is activated.

We walked in and I sat the girl on the chair and bound her wrists to the arms cuffs and the same with her legs to the leg cuffs.

It seemed silly for so much precaution but we had no choice, safety of the villagers is always the top priority.

Once she was in, I shook her lightly and when she started to wake, I moved away so that my chakra wouldn’t also be sealed. This would also negate any jujitsu activated by her or on her.

Ibiki held up his hand one hand and activated the seal.


Smoke surrounded her body and when it cleared it revealed a woman who was clearly not 10.

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