Chapter 13

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At one point during the drive, he lowered the volume of his radio a bit and looked at me. "Autumn?"

 I turned in his direction. He repeated my name but with my last name as well. I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Yeah?" I said a bit nervously but in a clueless tone.

"Do I know you?" he inquired and looked at me intensely.

I wanted to say oui, Monsieur but the following came out: "Do you think you're supposed to know me?"

"Hmm...I don't know."

"Sure you don't know?" This conversation was turning out to be similar to one of our online ones. I guess you could call it our guessing game.

"Yep. 100%%%%%%%%%% sureeeeeeeee."

"You know if I wasn't really Autumn, Dr. Blake, the real Autumn would accuse you of um..." He had always wanted to be a doctor so Dr. was one of my nicknames for him.

"But I do know you're my Autumn."

"Cause I told you so," I pouted and folded my arms. I was secretly bubbling with joy, he said my Autumn.





      And so the conversation went on until we got mixed up on which side we were supposed to be supporting. I think we became slightly flustered from that fight. He concentrated on driving again while I was trying not to see my reflection in the side mirror but there was no scenery to look at outside. I sighed softly. I wanted something so badly and I just didn't want to admit it. I actually desired a kiss. conscience shook that thought away. When had I ever wanted a kiss from someone I just met?

Blake asked me in a soft, gentle tone, "What's wrong?"

         If he saw my face, he might have read subtle hints of the source of my discomfort but I deliberately focused on outside. "Nothing," I replied, trying to bring my voice to an even tone but I think he caught the sharp edge to my voice. He stopped the car a bit suddenly, that the brakes screeched a little and I would have jerked forward if it was not for my seat belt. He apologized meekly and I just smiled in turn briefly telling him it was alright. He smiled back.

       I remembered his brother saying that when Blake was mad, he smiled. I had asked him if it was a creepy kind of smile and Jason, his twin, said no. I felt dispirited. What did I do to cause Blake to be mad? Maybe I'm just over-examining him. My mind drifted back to Callista. Where were we supposed to be looking for her to begin with? Blake wouldn't be aimlessly driving me somewhere, even if he did I probably wouldn't mind. Skeptical thoughts entered my brain. I refocused.

Then, my phone started to vibrate. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"She's in the Dawsons' home," James informed me. I was confused as to how he got my number so he mistook my hesitation as lack of hearing and repeated his sentence.

"I know Bryden I heard you already. How come she's there?" Blake had merely glanced my way when I spoke his friend's last name.

"I don't know and personally don't care. She's safe, okay," he expressed his view edgily.

I really wanted to yell. He had no idea if someone attempted to kidnap her or not. "Anything else you wish to inform me of?" I added sourly.

"Oh...well....since you mentioned are things with Blake?" he inquired.

I ignored him. "My car, can you drive it back to SSO?" My car was made to be accessible to other agents, all it needed was a fingerprint to verify the person.

"Sure if you answer..."

Ugh....why did he care how were things with Blake and I? "Yeah, everything's fine."

"That's all? You're not even like gonna check out my bff?"

I raised my eyebrows. A guy using the word bff? "Well he's pretty much better than you in everything."

James commanded me to put the phone on speaker. I did so reluctantly under the conditions that he would promise to return my car. We heard him loud and clear. "Since you too are so quiet, I hope you aren't making out."

If I was capable of crushing the phone to bits with the force of one hand, I would have done so.

"Is this the first time you've heard of a normal conversation between a guy and a girl in a car?" I said in turn.

Blake stated with a smile, "I wonder if it is."

          I looked at him, he was interrogating his best friend along my side. James bellowed hysterically. I clutched my leg. It was a creepy sound, a mixture of Santa Claus and a high-pitched girl. I asked Blake if James normally laughed like that. Blake laughed in turn, an original, pure pitch. I could wake up every morning to the sound of it and call it my morning in heaven. I had to find some inconspicuous way to record it whenever I met him again.

James broke our moment. "Certainly sounds like you guys are on your way to something."

"Yeah, on our way to his house."

James challenged me, "And just how would you know where he lives?"

I scowled. James was making me look like a stalker. I had no comeback so my retreat was ignoring the person. Blake lied and said he told me. James didn't believe him and at last, I switched off the speaker.

"My car?" I questioned him again about it.

"Pass the phone to my buddy," he commanded. I sighed and handed my cellphone to Blake. Our fingers brushed against each other and my heart jolted. I suddenly had this big grin on my face. My other hand was tempted to slap my expression off but either way I would look idiotic. Blake took about 7 minutes talking and when I received my phone, I saw that he had added his number and Callista's. I mumbled a thanks and he replied with a your welcome.

          We arrived at his home and he opened the doors for me again. I felt like a maid being treated like a princess. It was so unreal, being led into his home, the moment I had waited for, for so long. I began to feel self-conscious. What would his family think of me? Was I just a plain Jane? He rang his doorbell and someone whom I barely got a glimpse of, saw us through the glass door. I heard the door being unlocked and it swung open. Blake stepped in and offered me a hand. I sheepishly took it and we approached 5 figures. I was about to meet the family of Prince Charmings.  

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