Chapter 20 [with Book Cover 2]

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           Have you ever felt incompetent? That you were given to do something, maybe not beyond your ability, but something you didn’t deserve. It could be a position in life, a reward, a responsibility, for me it was a combination of those things. Being assigned to train Callista was something I felt I was not prepared for. I had the least field experience and the only thing I knew I was good at teaching was mathematics.  

            I supervised Callista while she strived to achieve a fit body. From the gym to the court, her routine seemed more successful than mine. She was a fast learner of the physical activities but the sciences, with the exception of Biology, she had trouble with. I disliked her inquisitive nature; I was always bombarded with questions when she could easily find the answers herself. My patience grew thin but I never snapped at her, I would adjust my voice to a monotone to hide my annoyance.

            I didn’t mind her eagerness to learn but sometimes self-study had to be done as well. If she was an actual agent, she would have surpassed anyone’s expectations. She would have made it to the top and be the youngest to do so. I kept to myself but within a distance where I could always see her. Envy had struck me and I hated myself for feeling it. Callista had lost her parents and had less time with her friends, I should be feeling sympathetic towards her.

            But she has more time with Blake The fact that I’d waited so long to be with someone in my life and now I had barely done so when I had the chance to, is quite ironic. I could blame time itself for finding things to distract me. I had never ceased to get angry over another matter. If someone truly missed you, wouldn’t they have called by now? Wouldn’t they have sent you some sign of their affection?

            It had been months since I stopped virtual training so I signed back in on the virtual realm. My bro Jack was on and my boss as well. As usual, I ignored him and began conversing with the brother I hadn’t spoken to a long while. I told him all of my worries and troubles while he would zone out and I had to retype stuff. I was annoyed at him but just by telling someone, it seemed my frustration was put aside.

             After that, I was called to my boss' office. I stalled while walking towards the elevator, groaning inside. What could he possibly want more from me now? The elevator was empty and went down but stopped at the ground floor. My excitement at further delaying my visit to my boss turned to dismay when I saw the person who was waiting to enter. He greeted me with clouds in his eyes.

"Autumn." I looked away at first. I couldn't find the words to apologize. I felt devastated, I saw he was hurt and he bravely hid it.

"Blake." When I said his name, my body pulled me towards him.

The elevator stopped. I didn't bother to see who came on. My attention was only on Blake. One of my hands held onto his arm. "Yeah?" he asked me as if he had to force himself to say one word to me.

I winced inwardly, that reply was something I deserved but I didn't expect from him. I could see the accusation in his eyes and looked down mumbling, "I'm sorry."

He apparently didn't hear me so I repeated it and he answered with, "I'm sorry what?"

My brain snapped but I withheld my irritation. I glanced at his face again, he looked happier. How could he have forgiven me so quickly? I was bewildered. I felt his forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was just playing with you," he replied and embraced me tightly but in such a way my cheek was against his chest. It was strange at that moment, I heard the subtle whistling. It came from the person who had entered the elevator after us. My back was towards the person but I recognised his voice.

"About time you guys made up," James commented.

          While I was turning around, I kept a hold on Blake's hands and eventually put them to rest around my neck but he moved them to my waist. I was feeling tingles up my spine and I realized how much of a stress reliever it was. I could only imagine what a massage would be like. I didn't know at that moment how James knew about my lie. I could only assume Blake told him but he didn't seem like the type to.

 I blushed foolishly, my heart took James' words like a compliment. "Thanks."

           We had been in the elevator for ten minutes and no one else had needed to use it. Life could be queer and rewarding at times. Blake then inquired if I had somewhere to go. I mentally tapped myself. How silly of me. Love, love, love... I smiled and finally reached Mr. Rehum's office with Blake. He appeared to be busy tapping his pen against the desk. I sat myself down while intertwining my arm with Blake's. Two people in love was a force not to be against.

"I called for Autumn only," he stated with a false air of aggravation.

"Well you got us instead," I countered.

"Kristen had progressed more than you."

I was stunned, she was the agent who was doing my case on the sidelines. A friend, out of all of the people in the world. "Why her?"

"She was selected," he replied curtly.

"So you want me to be better than my best?"

"I want you to apply your best. You have all the skills you need, you know some pieces but it's up to you to piece them together. Not anyone else."

I frowned. Why was he making it sound like Blake shouldn't help me? "Any valid reason for this, Sir?"

"Trust me."

"With my job or my life?"

"Either or." I raised an eyebrow. Both my life and job were at risk and he was speaking in riddles.

"Is that all?" I said my concluding question.

"Yes, please..." Blake had already dragged me out of the room.

'Let's do something fun!" he suggested.

"Um...I should really be training your cousin," I reluctantly put in.

"K...I'll help you," he offered.

"Thanks and you don't mind helping me brush up my field skills?"

"Any time you want baby," he added.

Fitness was going to be a part of my life very soon and I couldn't wait to begin training.

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