Chapter 8

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     He sipped a cup of something while I calmly awaited for him to say something. My face was composed, showing no signs of curiosity or interest although I was quite ecstatic to begin our conversation. I tapped my foot gently on the ground, struggling to not glare intensely because of his deliberate delay. "Autumn," he began followed by a pause, for the perfect dramatic effect. "Remember when you were in my office after Johnny left?"

"What about it?" I answered with a question of my own.

"Before I started our discussion, I was checking to see if he left a recording device on you." I shrugged, I could care less,  I had nothing to hide. He looked to my face as if he was awaiting my consent to continue. I bit into the contents of my platter. "I couldn't give you his file, it's not allowed but bosses are allowed to look into a SSO worker 's file and even print it with a valid reason. I only got to glimpse it."

SSO was the name of the spy organization. Secret Spy Organization it was simply named but to the public, non-agents and other associates it was known as the Social/Security Specialists Organization. It was an international company that dealt with the problems of certain companies and often solved the mystery of stolen items or even provided specific services to well off a.k.a. rich individuals. There were 7 main bases, one for each continent.

The names of the bases were based on Greek and the NATO alphabet. The main bases were as follows: North America had the Alpha base, South America had the Beta base, Antarctica had the Omega base, Europe had the Delta base, Asia had the Sigma base, Africa had the Theta base and Australia had the Rho base. Mr. Rehum basically went on to elaborate on his excuse, finishing with this line: "And so I found nothing important about him."

I nodded. I really didn't know why he was dragging this out so much and didn't know what to say. He stammered, "And last night, I'm really sorry Autumn. I guess I drank too much." It was either he really hated to intrude on people's help or just felt really guilty. I frowned. Was I intimidating him to make him apologize so much? It couldn't be possible, right? He's the boss, isn't he?

I changed to a safer topic. I was annoyed last night as well but in fact, I didn't mind helping him out. Asking for a pay rise was unnecessary, I already had enough money. So what then should I ask for? I knew he wouldn't mind if I asked for something in return. Not wanting to appear zoned out again, I questioned, "So that cloak what is it made out of?"

He shrugged and gave me a kind of look that indicates, "Really? Is that what you were wanted to ask me about?" He then made a suggestion. "You can borrow it if you like."

I was elated. "Really?" I think my lit up face added to my plead.

He nodded. "Sure, anything for my best employee."

I blinked several times before he admitted he was just kidding. His tone became more solemn when he started to talk about my mission. "You'll be teaching in the girl's school. You will have to find a way to check up on her, you can't tutor her because she doesn't need it so yeah."

ME? Teach? I wanted to ask if he was sane but that was a no-no for my accursed courtesy. "What subject?"

"Math," he told me.

YAY! I loved Math! I couldn't wait for this, still kids nowadays were so rude. The positives of this situation outweighed the negatives. I sighed, I would have to gain some confidence in myself and teach. An idea crashed to my head, some teachers just stick behind a book but oh...Math was a subject I couldn't do that with. Another sigh. While those thoughts were forming in my head, I was still smiling like a doll. 

"When do I start?"

"Tomorrow?" he asked as if I had a choice. 

"Great," I lied. How considerate to now tell me this. What in the world was I supposed to wear? I got up, I needed to prepare now. He followed suit. "Ready to go already?"

"'re a bit slow Riley."

He made a face and tipped the waitress. After he dashed out while grabbing my arm. "Heyyy, what...why did you do that?" I asked when I got back my breath.

"That lady wanted something from me I wasn't willing to give," he honestly replied. I laughed hilariously throughout the whole drive. Quite unladylike of myself. Oh well. I was enjoying myself, having lots of fun and hopefully, tomorrow wouldn't ruin that.  

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