Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Zachary [Bro] and Steven

         My boss then sent me a message through the computer. He said he was sending me my new mission and that I was assigned to work with 2 other agents: Jack and Blake. My interest immediately piqued and I opened the file he sent me about them. They both were from the company and had some more experience in Virtual Training than me. They totally outweighed my PT records.

          I was shocked, Blake had my IQ while Jack was just very sportive but with an average IQ. This was my first group assignment! I was excited although I usually worked better alone. On the game [Virtual Realm], 2 persons were online from my friends list. Blake Stormsword and Alicia Sky. My sharp mind was certain that the agents I was going to work with, were the people from my friends' list.

         Jack was my favorite bro on the game, in fact, we emailed from time to time. He was the bro I never had irl [in real life]. We related to each other a lot. He was younger than me by 1 year. We fought a lot and I yelled at him a bit too much for some reason. Fate took both of his parents so he was left with his siblings. Although I was the elder sis, I still email him my problems. :D and he actually enjoys hearing from me.

         He is one of those people in life who you'd never want to intentionally hurt or just someone you'd gladly die for. In fact, he was a twin to our elder bro. I had a short 10 min crush on him but it disappeared when I found out he had a girlfriend. He is cute in real, just very skinny. I find it very unnerving and annoying when he knows what mood I'm in.

         After 2 dates and being married twice to the same guy, I met Blake. My friend, Alicia, had convinced me that he had liked me and I slowly began to like him. However, at that time I was just liking guys, not willing to date because whenever I told them no, none would wait on me. Most of them got other girls. I guess what makes me different is that I look at what I'm willing to love in a guy, not just date for his attractiveness.

         Alicia left us alone and I was nervous being alone with him. One day, he asked me out. I said no because I wasn't interested in dating. I felt really bad, then Alicia told me that he wasn't dating any of the other girls and I knew I couldn't lose someone like that so I asked him out. Despite telling him about my previous dates and marriages, he still said yes.

         I was so amazed and happy. Little did I know Alicia had lied to me, Blake had in fact liked her. When I found out about it, I was so mad. I cried irl but everything was back to normal after a while. Two other incidents came up after that but it was never his fault. He shared his char[acter] with his bros irl and so some lied, etc. We have never fought but I have always envied his perfect family, perfect grades, perfect friends and his perfect life.

         He was smart, hot, a quarterback and I could never find any fault with him unless you counted loving me too much. He also tends to be stubborn at times and says aww too many times! So after 2 months of dating, we got married on the game. I was kinda disappointed at how he presented the proposal but he was a perfect guy, what more could I ask for?

         For years I've dreamt about him, marrying him in real, leaning against him, meeting him and so much more. It was clear as the stars in the night that I was afraid of one thing: rejection. I've imagined scenarios about we meeting in an airport and at his first glance at me, he runs away. We shared a true love and one can ask how did I know what was true love at the age of 15?

         Well, what else makes you feel good about yourself? What can soften a cold heart and bring out the sweetness in you? What makes you not think about other guys or long to date one? It was because of him, from that age, I never felt alone or unloved. I knew there was always someone for me. Even my best bro saysBlake loves me too much. I just hope I could have returned his dedication towards me with the equal or more love.

         My heart yearned to meet this agent Blake. We shared a lot of common hobbies, interests and habits. I had never prayed with more desire for anything else in life than him. In the end, all I cared about was his happiness and if that didn't mean being with me so be it. I would learn to live with it and I had made up my mind to be single if it happened. Sometimes at night, I cry because I can't imagine marrying him and seeing him die. The thought is unbearable!

         We shared everything love needs to have - trust, sacrifice and commitment. I have never been kissed by a guy or never willing give one a warm hug nor have I ever let my heart carry me away when thinking about a guy, usually my logic kicks in. This time, however, I can't help but love. I remembered when he said, "I love you." to me at first, I was embarrassed and too shy to think of a reply. I was also afraid to say those 3 words back but I did and never regretted it.

         By now, you'd think I should have his email address but I don't. I've been to shy to ask and well, I think I'd be emailing him too much, so he might have to put it as junk. :p. To my readers: I'm so sry, I got carried away typing about Blake but he is the most important person in this my life....The someone I love! :)

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