Jaytim《30》Person A& Person B pt.2

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Tim blushed like crazy and tried to bury himself in his shirt, and Jason was making any "no" gesture he could think of.

Many boos cried from the audience, but the two boys could have cared less. They honestly did not want to do that in front of everyone.

The camera went on to a different teenaged couple, a girl in a dark midnight blue top and with blonde hair.

The boy next to her had on a black shirt with a white knights helmet on it, and grabbed her to pull her in a kiss, to which she returned.

Then the camera went back to Jason and Tim. Jason was already getting fed up with this nonsense, but still rejected.

Each time after the camera went to a different couple, it always came back to both Tim and Jason, and Jason was no longer amused by it.

"Oh for Christ's sake!" Jason yelled, throwing his hands up in defeat when the camera came back to them after what felt like the millionth time.

Jason gribbed the collar of Tim's shirt, that Tim was no longer hiding under, and pulled his boyfriend into a deep kiss.

Many people in the background cheered for the couple, some even standing up, and the people around them patted them on the back.

Tim stayed silent for the rest of the game, stating into space, his deep blush slowly turning back to Tim's original skin tone, a pasty white.

Jason just tried to enjoy the rest of the game, but not being able to talk to Tim because he wouldn't respond made him feel mixed feelings.

A little angry, both at himself and at Tim, mostly sad because he missed how Tim talked, and a little embarrassed still from the kiss.

When the game ended, Tim looked over at Jason, the dazed look in his eyes all gone.

"I wonder why the camera kept coming back at us." Tim told Jason. Jason just shrugged, standing up, helping Tim up afterwards.

"I don't know Tim. But hey, at least we know for next time."

Back near by the camera station, was a smirking Richard Grayson, watching the two young adults leave the stadium.

He grabbed out his wallet from his back pocket, pulling out $100, and gave it to the camera man who kept pointing the camera at Tim and Jason.

"Thank you my good sir." He told the man, before walking away.

Person A: Tim
Person B: Jason

It was a rather nice day, not too cold, for Gotham weather that is, and not too warm, although it barely is warm.

Timothy Jackson Drake was sitting on his bed in Wayne Manor, listening to one of his favorite bands of all time.

Tim currently had no cases to file, to assignments to do, and no work. So since he was on his fifth cup of coffee, he decided to listen to music.

He had pulled out an old sketchbook from when he was younger, and began sketching on some of the blank pages.

He was thinking of rebooting his Red Robin costume, again, and sketched out a few of his ideas onto the blank and rough pages of paper.

He didn't know how long he was sitting there, listening to music and sketching, all he did know was there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." Tim called out to the person, focusing on the paper in front of him again instead of the visitor.

"Hey Tim. What are you doing?" Jason asked Tim, who was sitting on his bed, dressed in a loose t shirt that actually belonged to Jason and pants.

"Just listening to music and sketching some new Red Robin ideas I've had for a little bit now. I'm thinking of rebooting my costume." Tim explained, not looking up from his paper.

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