Chapter 1

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"Sakuraaaaa" A voice hissed.

I ignored it and continued sleeping. I heard that person sighed and came closer to me. In a second, I could feel him licking my cheeks. It sent shivers down my spine.

"DAD!" I yelled.

"Get up, school is today." He said and walked away.

I groaned and got up to take a shower and put on my school uniform which is a long black slacks, white button up shirt and a black coat with the Otogakure High School logo. I looked at myself from the mirror. No more skirt and holding back my fist. I smirked. Although I'm going to an all boys school, I decided to keep my hair long because it's a memory of my mother. It reaches just below my butt. I always tie it in a low ponytail.

I walked down the stairs and saw my father looking at me sadly.

He sighed and said,"My little princess is now a puny guy."

A vein appeared on my head. I skipped cheerfully towards him and embrace him.

"I'm always your little princess! But I'm NOT A PUNY GUY!!" I growled.

Dad sweat dropped and ruffled my hair. "My little princess, please take care of yourself. It is all boys in there."

"I will, dad. Don't worry." I smiled at him. He smiled at me and hand me my breakfast.

"Oh, try not to torture them too much" Orochimaru warned.

"I will try.." I mumbled.. "Try.."

He sighed and washed my plates. I took my stuff from my room and entered the car with him.

"Time for school!" I beamed.

Orochimaru chuckled and ruffled my hair before driving to school. We passed by an all girls school on our way. It is Konohagakure High School. Looking at the girls disgust me. Drama and skirts. I mentally gagged.

"Alright, we are here." Orochimaru said and got out from the car.

I got out and entered the hall way while he went to the staff room.

I received glances from everyone, but I kept my usual stoic face. On my way, I met Kabuto. He have me a smile and I nodded at him. He knows I don't show my true self when others are around.

I walked passed him and went to my locker. A group of guys walked towards me. I looked at them emotionlessly.

"Hey, pinkie. Why is girly boy like you here?" He laughed.

"You would look cute as a girl, what a waste!" His friend grinned.

"You even kept your hair long! Not to mention, it is PINK! Who has pink hair?" Another laughed.

"A puny little brat like you in a delinquent school. Pathetic!"

I gave them a cold glare. They seemed frozen, but stood on their feet.

"I don't wish to waste my time on you, trash." I said and walked pass them.

"Hey!" They called and one of them grabbed my shoulder.

I spun around and punched him in the face. His nose broke. I turned to his friends. They seemed mad and charged at me. I smirked and swiftly dodged their attacks. I caught one of their hands and threw it the his two friends. They tumbled and fell on the floor. I walked away as if nothing happened. The students around looked at me in awe. Don't underestimate me. I smirked.

I walked to class and sat at the back,next to a window. I leaned on the chair and looked outside with my arms crossed behind my head. I lifted my legs on the table and crossed it. Gotta act like a badass, not a softie. I thought.

I looked at the gates of the school to discover girl students. What are they doing here? I looked closely and found several boys near the crowd. One of them has raven hair that shapes like a duck butt. There is a blonde,a coal black hair tied like a pineapple. I found a guy with waist long dark brown hair tied in a very low ponytail. I'm not the only one. Next to him is a guy with messy dark brown hair and the other side is a guy with jet black hair. I didn't bother to look closely.

While I was scanning the whole crowd, I saw the ravenette picking up a girl by the throat. A vein popped up on my head. That bastard.. I growled.

I opened the window and jumped down. Everyone was shocked to see me jump down from the first floor. I ran to the ravenette and kicked his face. I caught the girl in my arms bridal style and put her down for her to stand. When I look closely,she has red hair and red eyes. She smiled at me. I nodded with my stoic expression.

"What the hell?!" The ravenette yelled. He glared at me and I glared back at him.

"You have got guts to harm a girl. Don't your parents teach you what manners are?" I hissed. The ravenette has onyx eyes that looks full of hate. I wonder..

"Aren't you a girl? You look cute." The blonde said. He has sapphire blue eyes.

"Are you sure?" I smirked. "I can beat you easily."

"Who are you kidding? You look so puny!" The guy with messy brown hair said. He has red fang tattoos on his cheeks.

"Try me." I smirked.

"It will be troublesome to have an ambulance come here." Said the guy with coal black hair tied into a pineapple shape.

"All of you come to me. I'll beat you without my hands. Don't tell me you are afraid to lose to a puny looking pink haired brat." I dared.

They faces changed and glared at me. They looked mad. I smirked mentally and waited for them to make a move. I shoved my hands into my pocket.

The ravenette charged at me with his fist. I dodged it and hit his abdomen with my knee. The blonde and the messy brown hair dudes came at me with their fists. I jumped and flipped and landed on their fists. I jumped forward,then kicked their back and landed gracefully. The pineapple haired tried to kick me,but my leg caught his kick and kicked his abdomen with my other leg. I swirled and landed to face the guy with long dark brown hair and jet black hair. They seemed interested and charged at me with punches and kicks. I dodged all of them with ease. They both come from both sides. I waited until they are close and jumped to see them hurt each other. I smirked and landed looking at them.

"Any words?" I said with pride.

All of the looked at me with shock and embarrassment.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I said and walked back to class.

Everyone who watched the fight looked at me with awe, especially the girls. Oh great, I hope I don't get fangirls. I'm a girl! I shivered mentally.

I leaned on my chair with my arms folded behind my head. I stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes waiting for the teacher to enter. Most of the students are late to come in.

"Good morning, class. I'll be your English teacher, name is Kimimaro." A voice said. He has beautiful white hair and spring green eyes. He looked at me and I blushed lightly. I avoided his gaze and looked out the window.

"Why are you late?" He asked a group of boys which I recognised is the group I beaten up moments ago.

They ignored the teacher and turned to the class to find a seat. Once their eyes sat on me, they glared at me. I kept my stoic face at them and looked at the window,not giving a damn about them. The ravenette took a seat next to me. I rolled my eyes mentally.

This is going to be a longggg year.. I sighed silently.

 I sighed silently

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